“Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that survivors of abuse and the pope’s own advisers question. One case has come back to haunt him: An Italian priest who received the pope’s clemency was later convicted by an Italian criminal court for his sex crimes against children as young as 12. The Rev. Mauro Inzoli is now facing a second church trial after new evidence emerged against him, The Associated Press has learned.” –Source
It’s exactly as I’ve been saying for literally decades. Roman Catholic priests do not become pedophiles once they join the unbiblical priesthood, the truth is pedophiles become Catholic priests knowing they will be protected. This is also why the Vatican is the only church on earth with “altar boys.” This allows them the “religious” lie they t ell parents that they need to be alone with their sons so as to better educate them in their duties as altar boys.
As reality dictates, the last three Popes had to deal with molestations scandals wherein they were exposed for protecting them. Ratzinger, aka Benedict 16 actually resigned because of him being the first pope to ever be served papers to appear in court on this. Is it any wonder that he destroyed his diary as Pope?
Or what of so called “Saint” John Paul II who not only sold the gas to the Nazis to kill the Jews before escaping to Vatican city after the war to be later promoted as Pope? He too had a major issue with child molestation and even struck down zero tolerance on punishing the priests caught raping the boys because he knew it would empty the Vatican legion, aka priesthood.
What many are totally unaware of is that child molestation has been the norm in the Roman Catholic church for centuries. But because they have the power to politically cover things up so eloquently, the last 16 centuries saw not even a glimmer of hope for those young boys that were raped, murdered and molested. All they could do was coin the phrase “boogie man” when describing their plight to unbelieving parents. But thanks to modern times and the inception of the News media (when it was still somewhat trusted) and then the Internet wherein it’s become impossible now to hide their devilish activities anymore, (hence the reason for talks of Internet censorship) the last few Popes have had to deal with all this firsthand. And now, the present Jesuit Pope is no exception. And like his predecessors he too has been caught helping to protect and in this case exonerate known child molesters!
Will it matter? Not for the most part. They will continue to molest the boys and the parents who prefer to stay in a church that promotes and protects their sinful lifestyles will continue to allow their children to be abused by Roman Catholic priests. Some will even ignore the fact that some of the priests were caught on camera physically abusing their children and worse yet the camera also shows parents bringing their children to the priest so he can physically abuse them right before their eyes! Roman Catholicism is that evil and that soul infectiously dangerous to the point it removes all common sense from the parents so as to allow the priests to do as they please with their very own children!
One can only image how bad it will be for those priests on the day hellfire turns them to ash. But me thinks the parents will have to deal with even more of the wrath of God for ignoring the warnings of the people that loved them enough to tell them about those priests. Their very own little boys. These parents ignored the pleas of their very own children who screamed to them how those priests were raping them every time their parents allowed those priests to be alone with them! I know this as fact because I knew of such children whose parents ignored them and their pleas for help. Still, my prayer is that God will have mercy on their souls. For as Hebrews 10:31 stated long ago, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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