Kushner Hires Top Hollywood Publicist for White House Post

Jared-Kushner-January-22-2017-AP-640x480“President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner has reportedly hired top Hollywood public relations executive Josh Raffel to take a key role at the White House. Raffel — the 32-year-old communications chief for horror production company Blumhouse Productions (The Purge, Insidious) and a veteran of New York City-based PR firm Hiltzik Strategies — will reportedly join the White House Office of American Innovation, according to Variety. The outlet notes that Raffel is well-respected among entertainment industry journalists for his “sane, sensible style, and his wit.” –Source

How I ask can anyone from Hollywood, and a horror film executive to boot, be considered to be one with a “sane, sensible style?” The man is involved with making Hollywood movies that glorify death! Is it any wonder serial killings have increased in number as well as very bloody murder scenes? Horror films have always gone off the chart with insane and I mean INSANE acts of violence, torture and extremely graphic murders. And with CGI technology they can literally make the on screen murders appear very real and satisfying to anyone with that caliber of demon deep inside them. How is that in anyway sane or sensible? But because Hollywood is all about selling the lie, everyone that clamors to the theaters or sits vegetating behind their TV’s will buy it hook, line and pitchfork.   Continue reading

Christians losing faith in the churches

inside-a-church“This group represents an important and growing avenue of ministry for churches,” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief of Barna Group. “Particularly if you live in a more churched area of the country, it’s more than likely you have a significant number of these disaffected Christians in your neighborhoods. They still love Jesus, still believe in Scripture and most of the tenets of their Christian faith. But they have lost faith in the church.” –Source

And rightly so because the churches of today have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ or true Christianity. As prophesied they have joined with their mother in Rome and are now preaching “another Jesus” as well as everything from Allah is God to homosexual marriage is sanctified and so those that have a deep sense to know Jesus and His Word cannot stand to sit in such places, and so as it was prophesied in Revelation 14:4, they choose to leave so as not to be “defiled” by these churches and “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.” And yes, we as the remnant people can take advantage of this. Problem is I can see Satan taking advantage of all this as well.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Meet ‘next Obama’ groomed to make political history

“The Democratic Party may have found its next Barack Obama. His name is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed, he’s a 32-year-old medical doctor and he recently launched his campaign for governor of Michigan, the election for which is in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor. He speaks articulately, without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches at seemingly just the right moments, and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations.” Source

Still wondering why I created the “Pope and Islam” page on my website? Or are the videos I did regarding the soon to come Shariah Law in the USA making you a tad concerned? ( Click here for ALL the videos touching on Shariah and Islam with the Pope) What we’re witnessing here is a stealth invasion by loyal Roman troops. It’s no mistake this Muslim politician picked Michigan to gain the office of Governor which he knows will make him capable of running as president a bit easier when that day comes. As we know, they have infiltrating the courts in Michigan for years to adopt a pro-Sharia stance. And with the crazed mindset of most Democrats today that are so angry about Hillary’s failure, and the fact Michigan was a key state that caused her to lose, many will vote for this man at the drop of a hat thinking any victory for their side is a good victory. No matter how insane that would be.   Continue reading