What I am about to share is just a smattering of what’s in the booklet titled “Reviving the Original Spirit of Prophecy Writings.” The booklet consists of 79 pages that boldly exposes every Seventh Day Adventist leader standing as a GC leader, pastor or evangelist today. In these 79 pages you will find all sorts of rock hard evidence that you can see with your very own eyes that the SDA church is no longer being guided by Christian leaders that love the Lord and His truth for these last days. It is now and has been for many decades pursposely working to forward the long prophesied agenda of the man of sin in Rome. And I can prove it.
Because this booklet is 79 pages and each page is 8.5 X 11, I cannot possibly cover everything it contains in this video. But I will share a few things that will hopefully move every SDA to go to vbates.com and get this book for themselves so as to have the facts they need to do the right thing and get out of that apostate church before it’s way too late for them to do anything. In the pages of this book you will find that the Seventh Day Adventist leaders in the 1800’s changed the books to hide powerful Christian truths without sister White’s approval and even against her advice at times and the current SDA leaders specifically use these very same edited books to this day to keep their people in the dark on such things.
As those that have chosen to follow the Lord who was officially cast out of the church in 1888 know, Rome has completely taken over the SDA church. And when you get this booklet you will have all the evidence you need to prove that as fact to anyone with the ability to read. The SDA leaders of today know about the original books, and they know these amazing truths that will help to prepare their people to meet Christ when He returns are not found in the books they publish, use in sermons and even promote. They continue to use the counterfeit books because using the original Spirit of Prophecy writings with all the truth intact will cause everyone that reads them to rightfully leave the SDA church.
Again, I cannot share all that the SDA leaders removed from the original writings and continue to keep hidden to this day as that would take many hours. And so I will only share a few points that I am sure will shock every SDA who is still in the church.
On these pages you will find that they purposely removed statements in their edited books that declare the prophets of old did in fact speak inspired words from the Lord Himself. You will see that in the counterfeit books it actually makes it appear the prophets words are uninspired and simply sharing thoughts of their own minds. (See pages 4-16) The counterfeit SDA books also hide the fact that James and Ellen White had no union with the church and actually stopped attending the Battle Creek church due to its sinfulness and the corrupting influence of Uriah Smith. (See pages 17-19) Most SDA’s don’t know about that because the counterfeit books removed the names of the people Sister White exposed as in open sin.
Jumping forward a bit in the booklet we see the SDA leaders lied when they said Ellen White approved the 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy books and they lied when they also posted articles in her name 5 years after she quit writing. (See pages 31-35) The counterfeit SDA books are written in a way that waters down Scripture to calm the fears of Sabbath breakers and even contradict Scripture to that same end. (See pages 50 and 51) The counterfeit books also declared Jesus had older step brothers when nothing is found in Spirit of Prophecy and the Scripture says otherwise. (See page 54) In the counterfeit book called “Desire of Ages” it boldly preaches against what both Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy says about Christ’s ministry as High Priest and what will happen at the second coming of our Lord further confusing the people of God. (See pages 54-5)
As you read this booklet you will see that it was written in a way that merges Vatican lies with Scripture and Spirit of prophecy to move the people into complacency and then into the arms of Rome. Worse yet, they have removed warnings from the original writings about adoration of Mary which we all know leads to the same Mary worship found in the Koran and all Catholic writings. (See page 58) They also removed specific statements in SOP regarding the Godhead so as to move the SDA people into accepting the Vatican Trinity as well as confuse them in a general sense regarding the biblical Godhead. They also removed warnings about following Rome’s theology concerning divorce, the need of a righteous character and wholehearted obedience before probation closes. (See page 60) They even removed the fact that Sister White stated Jesus’ resurrection on the first day of the week did not consecrate Sunday as a new Sabbath. (See page 61)
And just to mention a few more in closing, the SDA leaders also deleted biblical facts about the state of the dead, the reason Ananias and Sapphira died in the doorway, the true atonement of sin on the cross, rebaptism for Sunday keepers who now keep Sabbath, the one and only way to salvation, God’s enabling grace, the timing of the antitypical scapegoat transaction that is soon to occur, how the 7 last plagues will fall globally and not just in certain regions, they removed who the people are that really receive the warnings of Christ, what a true spiritual revival entails, the forgotten history of Sabbath keeping Christians the last 2000 years and what it truly means to abide in Christ.
They also deleted the facts that all apostate churches are called daughters of the Roman harlot in Scripture and therefore one with Babylon, they removed how they all embrace the wine of Babylon so as to deny Christ openly, they changed the order of events when it comes to the loud cry, they deleted statements showing how the miraculous power of the Bible will bring in souls and expose spiritualism and honoring the Pagan Sunday Sabbath, they deleted facts regarding the US Government’s role in end times events and they even removed how Satan tries to personify Christ and the prophesied death sentence on Sabbath keepers. And to further confuse the people they changed the order of events in the time of trouble to make it appear as if the death decree comes before Satan appears claiming to be Christ instead of after his arrival as both the Bible and Spirit of prophecy declare. (see pages 62-79)
Since we now have rock hard proof they did this. And every SDA can verify this by simply opening the Spirit of Prophecy books they bought from their church leaders to compare them to the unedited photocopies of the original books offered at vbates.com. That being the case, if you are SDA and still choose to ignore all this when you have the ability to verify this with actual historic documents that have never been edited, then you will be forever lost when those plagues begin. And this includes your own families and everyone else you were called to warn. As for the SDA leaders, yours is a lot no man would ever want to experience. The worst nightmare ever imagined can never compare to where your headed if you refuse to repent.
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