“The Jesuit flagship publication in the United States, America magazine, has published an article defending Marxism and comparing the murderous, atheist ideology to Christianity. In “The Catholic Case for Communism,” America writer Dean Dettloff says that the militant atheism of Marxist politics is “understandable” because “Christianity has so often been a force allied to the ruling powers that exploit the poor. …Communists, on the other hand, are loving people concerned above all for the good of the poor, …The Jesuits’ decision to publish a radical article of this sort suggests that they believe public opinion is warming toward communism. America’s editors have floated a weather balloon to see how Americans react to communism 2.0.” –Source
As I’ve done previously during this video series exposing the open sin of the SDA leaders; I have to take a slight detour today regarding something that just happened in the News that is prophetic in nature when it comes to Satan gathering his antichristian troops that will soon go forth against God’s people at Armageddon. As we already see the media hating on Christians all over the world now on a daily basis and we know the Vatican was actually built by Satan for this purpose and every prelate in Rome have been recently exposed as card carrying devil worshipers just as prophecy predicted long ago, what was just released to the world-wide media needs to be addressed.
As we all know the Pope is a Jesuit and as evil as all the Popes have been, the current Pope is without a doubt one of the worst if not THE worst. And so it is to be expected that his Jesuit brethren will declare to all the world that Christians were very evil in the past so as to cultivate more hatred towards real Christians because as we also know Catholicism has been proven time and time again over the centuries to be anything but Christianity and the sole purpose for Catholicism was to make Christianity look evil all along. In fact, many of the Vatican prelates have declared openly in writing that they are in fact Pagans.
Real Christians never killed anyone over the centuries because the loving and meek Holy Spirit that moves them to emulate Jesus Christ within moves them to love and not hate their fellowman as the Vatican prelates have done time and time again. The historic fact here is that it was the Vatican that killed hundreds of millions of Christians as well as exploiting the poor. The Jesuits are simply blaming Christians for what they did to pull the onus off of them so as to place it on the real Christians for the sole purpose of gathering all the world against us on that great and dreadful day. In fact, this is why Muslims hate Christians to this day. They actually think it was Christians that attacked and slaughtered them during the Crusades when all along it was the Catholic Popes, prelates and civil authorities under their control that slaughtered the Muslims. There are so many historic records confirming all this that the Vatican under Pope John Paul II had no choice but to recite a disingenuous apology on March 12, 2000. And by the way, that apology was prophesied to occur but you will not as much as you need on it in the edited SDA spirit of prophecy books. But you will find it in the original 1884 version of the Great Controversy offered at vbates.com. As also prophesied, and as my many recent videos have proven over the past months, the SDA church is in bed with Rome right up to them sending SDA tithe to the Pope.
And as for real Christians exploiting the poor. No, that too is a lie. Real Christians are very giving as just about every soul that has been in need discovered over the eons. But the fact the Catholic church won’t sell one of the hundreds of thousands of priceless items in the Vatican or all their Cathedrals to feed the poor proves hands down that they do not have the love of Jesus in them. They could literally feed every hungry soul on earth for years by selling just one statue or painting in the churches of Rome but they have never nor will ever do that.
And so why is this Jesuit Pope and his friends concentrating on trying to make Communism appear to be the better option for all on earth? Why does he claim there is a Catholic case for Communism? It’s because the Catholic church is based on a communistic cult mindset. In fact I proved this in this video long ago. And to further confirm this is their long prophesied agenda, have you seen my Vatican’s Socialist Agenda page over the years? If not, it’s high time you did.
The Pope knows as does every prelate in Rome, you cannot enforce the mark of the beast without a socialist form of government. And so this is why Socialism has been the talk of the town in all political circles the last few years. And as I also proved in a video I made some time ago, Rome controls every politician on earth and so this is why they echo Rome’s agenda for them. And yes, this is also why every US President must meet with the Pope after each election. Even our President must do as the man of sin commands in these last days. The mark is soon to be enforced and the real Christians need to get busy doing what prophecy says is their duty today.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
RELIGION OF PEACE? VIDEO: Aid Worker: Boko Haram Killed Schoolgirl for Refusing to Renounce Christ * Georgia county revokes permission for Christian ministry* Fallen Officers Memorial Covered up and Taken Down Because It Mentioned God * Outrage around proposed Modesto ‘straight pride parade‘ * SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Landslide kills 13 in southwest China * India Investigating Female Feticide In 132 Villages Without Girl Births * Iraq Finds Mass Graves of Mostly Women, Children Likely Slain by Saddam Hussein * SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Scientists discover ‘Terminator’ tsunamis on the Sun’s surface * AMA INSANITY:VIDEO: Important Vaccine Message * VIDEO: If I were the devil (Sounds like Today!) * VIDEO: Catholics and Muslims in relationship * VIDEO: Over a dozen Marines arrested in human smuggling probe * WHAT? AGAIN?! Report: ‘First Step Act’ Frees Hundreds (2,200 so far)of Sex Offenders, Convicted Murderers * RELIGION OF PEACE? Rapist Who Murdered 14 Year Old Schoolgirl Named as Ayman Aziz * FYI: Google Has ‘Almost Total Control’ over Key Elements of Elections * FYI: VIDEO: Google suspends engineer for exposing ‘political bias’ * WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR: Iran Fires Off Missiles