The question has arisen that asks, why promote the original books of Ellen White? Why is it so important? Why not use the ones the SDA leaders promote? Well, sister White said this after she saw how the SDA leaders were openly subverting and editing her writings in her day. (They actually started in 1882)
“I write this because any moment my life may be ended. Unless there is a breaking away from the influence that Satan has prepared, and a reviving of the testimonies that God has given, souls will perish in their delusion. They will accept fallacy after fallacy, and will thus keep up a disunion that will always exist until those who have been deceived take their stand on the right platform. All this higher education that is being planned will be extinguished; for it is spurious. The more simple the education of our workers, the less connection they have with the men whom God is not leading, the more will be accomplished. Work will be done in the simplicity of true godliness, and the old, old times will be back when, under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, thousands were converted in a day. When the truth in its simplicity is lived in every place, then God will work through His angels as He worked on the day of Pentecost, and hearts will be changed so decidedly that there will be a manifestation of the influence of genuine truth, as is represented in the descent of the Holy Spirit. {SpTB07 63.4}
She also said that “Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced.” {SpTB02 54.3} And so it was. And now, as many with eyes that see have witnessed firsthand, God’s remnant people have been called to go forth for many years now with the same primitive godliness that sister White says will be needed to “follow the Lamb whithsersoever He goeth.” (Revelation 14:4)
That being said, as you all know, I have made quite a few videos on this and could make hundreds more because we now have that much evidence that the SDA leaders have not only destroyed the teaching institutions of the precious SDA people seeking a work for the Lord, they have also fulfilled that which sister White said when she said, “Books of a new order would be written.” And now that we are very clearly near the end, who is it that does this final work of reviving the testimonies that our God has given that will be used of the Lord along with the precious Word of God to bring many souls out of apostasy and into the arms of the Lord?
“The testimony of Jesus,” said the angel to John, “is the spirit of prophecy.” Rev. 19: 10. It is the keeping of the commandments of God, and the recognition of the re-vival of the spirit of prophecy by the remnant of the church, or the Christians of the last generation, that stirs the ire of the dragon.” -Spirit of Prophecy volume 1 page 11
That is why we in the SDR church that have gone forth with this truth have been so hated by those who have not the eyes to see. But praise the Lord, there are still very many precious souls still seeking the Lord Jesus Himself in the apostate SDA church. It is for these dear souls we will continue to go forth with the simple message of truth that is found unaltered in the King James Bibles, of which most SDA churches no longer use, while at the same time we promote the original writings of Ellen White that are available at vbates.com. In so doing soon, those who have a heart for truth will see as was penned way back in 1884.
“The publications distributed by missionary workers have exerted their influence; yet many whose minds have been impressed have been prevented from fully comprehending the truth or from yielding obedience. Now the rays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the honest children of God sever the bands which have held them. Family connections, church relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth, a large number take their stand upon the Lord’s side.” {4SP 430.1}
You know what that means don’t you? Have you noticed how Rome is doing all they can to remove free speech? They know the Loud Cry is coming, and they think shutting the mouths of the obedient people of God will prevent their agenda from being made known. But the books have already been written. That’s right, the Loud Cry will for the most part be due to that which is declared in the original writings. This is why the Roman SDA church is doing all they can to change the Spirit of Prophecy books in the same way Rome is changing the Bibles. They know truth like this will empty the pews in the apostate churches and that is why Sunday Laws will come.
When the people hear the truth, they will leave the fallen churches and the 501c3 preachers of filthy lucre will join hands with the government to lobby and then and pass Sunday laws to try and shut us up.
And so.. if you’re one that wants to take part in this final work, before you can be blessed with your Father’s calling to do so, you must first obey Him and come out of the fallen church long before those plagues begin.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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