If you check this video out I am sure it will shock some of you and sadly I am also sure some may not even care as this has become the norm for billions of souls all over the world.
Notice what this woman (Senator Amy Klobuchar) says who is running for president of the United States. Not only is she seeking to please the Pope to gain political positioning regarding his long prophesied and recently proven false climate change agenda, she is knowingly and quite boldly belittling the God of the Universe in the process.
These people are our elected “Leaders” and as we know most of them are blatantly corrupt. But when they declare they know what God’s law says regarding His Sabbath day and then in the same breath boldly declare on camera that they will ignore the God of Heaven and His eternal law, it not only shows what time we are in biblical history, it shows how our own leaders will be used of Satan to make truth come off as a lie and the Commandments come off as suggestions. Check this video out. (start at 3:44 – 4:48)
Now keep this in mind. As students of prophecy we know the Pope will use climate change to demand Sunday laws all over the world so as to stop the calamities, which also know having nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with the signs that were prophesied regarding the return of Christ. And we also know that Sunday laws are in fact the admitted mark of the beast in Rome and so expect to see more and more religion in politics in the coming days and more sinful statements as this woman just made regarding the Sabbath of the Creator God. (And the Bible says it’s not Sunday)
One last thing. If you’re SDA and you know about what’s happening here; if you get your hands on the original Spirit of prophecy books found at vbates.com, you will see that even the SDA leaders have bowed to Rome. But if you keep reading the SOP books your church gives you with thousands of statements missing or changed, then you will not see what the true remnant people have been seeing for decades.
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Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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