If you’ve seen the info compiled in my February 2004 Newsletter titled, “Rome’s Homosexual Agenda” it will be no surprise to you that a few weeks ago the Pope defended the homosexual lifestyle by claiming anyone speaking out against it are to be compared to Nazis. Doing that means the Scriptures that speak on such things are also just as evil in his eyes. But then that’s to be expected since we have quotes from centuries ago to modern day wherein Popes and prelates declare in writing that they hate the Bible. And since we are so close to the end where homosexuality is prophesied to be normalized worldwide as it was in Noah’s day as Jesus prophesied in Luke 17:26-29, the dying god of Rome is rushing the Pope forward using his worldwide recognition to protect and promote homosexuality.
What’s also expected is how all the churches that wonder after the beast in Rome are following his lead to embrace and promote the homosexual lifestyle. But for some, seeing the SDA church doing it may be surprising. No, it is not surprising for the Seventh Day Remnant of her seed that have been warning them about this all along; and being one of many watchmen on the wall, I have many articles of the SDA church declaring homosexuality to be normal and worthy of protecting listed on my sister site at SDAapostasy.org. And so for those that think the truth as it has been declared by God’s true remnant people is bogus or out of context when it comes to public statements by the SDA church regarding homosexuality; perhaps this next article might help you see the light.
But before sharing that article, you need to see the obvious orchestrated timing between the Vatican and the SDA church in all this. I did a video on an article that came out just last week titled Vatican Invests $1.1 M in Steamy Elton John Biopic. And then in less than a week, and on the same day the Bishops of Rome declared homosexuality normal and unchangeable which then appears to have prompted this article about the SDA church proudly announcing via their Advent Health Care facility that proudly reports they are sending one million dollars to help build a memorial for homosexuals killed in a nightclub as well as fund their curriculum designed to teach and cultivate homosexuality.
Now yes, that was an awful thing that happened to those people in that homosexual night club, and we pray for their families as well as the survivors that they seek Jesus as Saviour and repent of their lifestyle choices. But to promote their homosexuality as the SDA leaders are now doing is not something our Lord would ever condone.
In the article proudly displayed on the SDA website it says, “The non-for-profit onePULSE Foundation was established to honor the 49 people killed, the survivors, first-responders and health care professionals who cared for the victims in the 2016 attack at the Pulse nightclub. … A portion of Advent Health’s initial gift will go toward the construction of the National Pulse Memorial & Museum. Gifts in the subsequent years will support onePULSE Academy, a diversity and inclusion curriculum that will be available inside the museum, for use in schools and in corporate environments. … (And then representatives from onePulse said) “Donations like this are critical to help us fulfill our mission and we appreciate their leadership in inspiring others to give.” –Source
Anyone with eyes that see know the mission of the homosexual community that is now being funded by the tithe and love offerings of the Seventh Day Adventist people is in fact to stamp out Christianity worldwide by declaring the Bible truth is hate speech. This is their long prophesied mission that we know ends in their eternal destruction. And instead of warning these poor souls of their eternal plight in the flames of hellfire, we see instead the leaders in the Seventh Day Adventist church standing in concert with their medical missionary workers helping to promote the lifestyles of those the Lord Jesus said brought the fire and brimstone in Lot’s day, the flood in Noah’s day and very soon, the seven last plagues in our day.
HEADLINES: 12-18-19
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Haiti: UN peacekeepers ‘traded food for sex’ * VIDEO: Real Reasons for the political Theater of Impeachment * Brooklyn ‘Muslim Community Patrol’ confronted by infamous Bloods gang (aka Turf War) * Christianity Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin’s Mass Murder *FYI: Facebook Leak Exposes 267 Million Users’ Names, Phone Numbers on Dark Web * U.S. megachurch seeks $100K, prayers to ‘resurrect’ singer’s dead child * (They seek Cash and Not Christ because Money is their god) * Canadian having heart attack in Jamaica pressured to pay thousands before doctors would treat him * Unconstitutional: Court strikes Obamacare individual mandate * ROME’S CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA EXPOSED: VIDEO: Fakest Day On Record * ‘I don’t want to die’: 7-year-olds left terrified after Greta Thunberg presentation (They are Targeting Children Now) * RELIGIOUS LAWS ARE COMING: Pope Francis and UN Secretary General record video urging religious freedom, climate protection (or – religious laws to protect climate AS PROPHESIED) * (US Follows Pope) US international religious freedom commission reauthorized, with strings * SCOTUS to hear Catholic school religious freedom cases * Supreme Court to decide if religious schools can choose their own religion teachers * Trump’s Attorney General Pick William Barr Rejects Separation Of Church And State * White House hosts Catholic leaders for religious freedom briefing * Trump set to pick Catholic lawyer as next White House counsel * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA: Catholic LGBT advocates praise Francis’ meeting with Jesuit Fr. Jim Martin * US man gets 16 years in prison for stealing, burning LGBT ‘pride’ flag * US Navy begins construction on ship named in honor of homosexual pederast Harvey Milk * VATICAN SCANDALS CONTINUE: Vatican tribunal now overwhelmed by clergy abuse cases * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Facebook Blacklists Ads Aimed at ‘Census Interference’ * Wikipedia Blacklists Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit for Russiagate Criticism
HEADLINES: 12-18-19
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: School changes Chrstmas Carol lyrics to include Islam * White House hosts Catholic leaders for (removal of) religious freedom briefing * Christian Persecution Rages in India as Christmas Approaches * Children in Scotland Will Be Able to Legally ‘Change Their Gender’ After Just Six Months * Teen Vogue’s Top Transgender Christmas Gifts: ‘Chest Binders, Scar Cream’ for Post-Op Sex-Change * VIDEO: Crowds of Illegal Aliens Line Up to Get Driver’s Licenses in New York * Norway’s postal service runs ad suggesting Virgin Mary conceived Christ with mailman * ‘It just switched sides’: Chick-fil-A ‘has betrayed the Christian community,’ charges new report * VIDEO: Video of girl, 16, snatched in front of mom is chilling reminder N.Y. gun control disarms wrong people * School that can’t figure out sexuality de-recognizes Christian club * Cop Admits He Forced Homeless Man To Lick Public Urinal To Avoid Arrest * Kanye West’s “Closed on Sunday” Lyrics * RELIGION OF PEACE? Indonesia to Deploy 200,000 Police to Defend Christians from Islamic Attacks * Report: Senegal Failing to Prevent Rampant Abuse and Torture at Islamic Schools * GRAPHIC VIDEO: Stunning video shows full-blown hate in New York * VATICAN SCANDALS CONTINUE: Vatican’s investment funds were vehicles for Italian bank fraud * Top (cOnFuSeD) Vatican official says celibacy, homosexuality not cause of abuse crisis * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA: Venezuela’s National Electric Grid Failed over 80,000 Times in 2019 * ROME’S CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: Greta Caught Lying again * On Capitol Hill, Jesuit students deliver 58,000 Catholic signatures in support of Senate climate bill * Nearly 600 institutions back Catholic Climate Declaration
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: AdventHealth donates $1 million for Pulse memorial (Homosexual Nightclub org), scholarships and diversity education * Costa Rican president signs decree to allow some abortions * Roman Catholic Bishops in Texas oppose Mother’s efforts to save her Baby on Life Support * Australian Catholic youth festival receives pagan blessing by guest speaker * Catholic Bishops silent on Northern Ireland law forcing Catholic schools to refer for abortions * VIDEO: 911 call: Planned Parenthood worker stalls over phone number while patient bleeds * Family sues after state grabs their backyard, and then keeps it * Elementary school features drag-queen speaker with prostitution record * U.S. Navy may soon have an indestructible ‘aircraft carrier’ right on China’s doorstep * National Guard speaks out after Democrat lawmaker suggests using troops to enforce gun control * Legal challenge fails, 13th state allows illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses * School defies law in rejection of Christian club * VIDEO: California city considering strict limits on feeding homeless in public * Outrage! Abortionists setting up businesses inside schools * Update: Officials say savage beating of pro-Trump boy is not a ‘hate crime’ * RELIGION OF PEACE? VIDEO: Refugee Camp ISIS Child Tells UK Reporter ‘We Will Slaughter You’ * RELIGION OF PEACE? Muslim militia wipe out 1,000 Christians in year * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA: Under pressure, Hallmark pulls gay-themed wedding ads * ROME’S CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA EXPOSED: VIDEO: The One Thing Greta Thunberg SHOULDN’T Have Said * VIDEO: Stop taking up space with your false solutions,’ say furious activists at UN (Notice the “all seeing eye” of Rome and Satan on her shoulder?) * VIDEO: Greta forced to apologize after mistranslation leads to firing-squad reference * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Justin Trudeau Wants ‘Significant Penalties’ for Social Media ‘Hate Speech’ * YouTube releases new guidelines on ‘harassing, toxic’ speech and conservatives are alarmed * American city’s ban on criticism of Islam headed for Supreme review * ROME’S ONGOING SCANDALS: New evidence shows deceitful methods Vatican officials used to launder millions of euros