Reuters just announced “‘It’s okay to feel scared’” (Source) But as Christians that trust the Lord, no, it is not “ok to feel scared.” Despair is sin. In fact, as I stated in a video back in 2018, fear keeps you OUT of Heaven!
As prophesied, the powers that be are doing this to cultivate fear because it makes it that much easier to control the masses. Moving one man away from his opinion or even his morals can be very difficult for the powers that be. But put that man in a crowd filled with fear and he will follow the herd wherever they are told to go.
As we look around and see how all that is needed to corral people by the millions is here. All they need to do is perfect their current methods of control. I wouldn’t put it past the US Government to declare martial law city by city or nationwide so as to both cultivate widespread fear that grants them more control while at the same time help them learn where the holes are in their nationwide blanket of control. In fact, they already have military troops in 6 states as we speak!
They need to do tests like this to be able to lock down every city for when the long prophesied enforcement of the mark comes to fulfillment they will be ready. And they have already said they want a one world government by 2030, meaning if that date is accurate, and they really can get it done by then, that means they only have 9.5 years to get it right.
In any event, all this fake news which is nothing more than fear mongering, is how they plan to control everyone. But I have to ask, have we not learned anything from how Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler used fear? 2 Timothy 1:7 clearly says that our “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” And since fear doesn’t come from God, that means all this fear is coming from Satan. In other words, being fearful is agreeing with Satan and that is how he cultivates worship. As prophesied they are pushing as much fear as they can into society so as to cause many to lose faith in God while at the same time place trust in their political and church leaders instead. And as we know, the political leaders as well as the Pope and all church leaders in bed with Rome have all been outed as being quite evil to say the least.
In fact, where you aware that the Vatican just announced this morning that all judges and magistrates of Vatican city are now “subject to the law, answerable to the pope directly and to no other office or authority. ..the new law states that judges “are hierarchically dependent on the Supreme Pontiff.”
In other words, the Pope is actually building the platform needed to flex his long-prophesied “god on earth” claims into law as we speak. Not only will this pave the way for the New World Order with the Pope as the already agreed upon “global moral leader,” laws like these need to be in place before Satan stands as the Vatican’s globally embraced version of Jesus Christ on earth in the coming days.
The Vatican article goes on to say that “the law is part of an ongoing process of legal renewal to replace the original 1929 laws of Vatican City.” That boldly confirms their agenda for global rule is afoot. In 1798 the Vatican’s mortal wound was administered to it in the exact year both prophets Daniel and John predicted. But it was also prophesied that the wound would heal, which the Lord moved me to boldly declare as healed in a video I made back in January of 2014. The prophetic events outlined in the prophecy were fulfilled to the letter in 2014 and so I spoke out as is my duty as one of many watchmen on the wall. Yes many laughed.. but I am sure their gasping now.
The Lateran Treaty signed between Mussolini and Cardinal Gaspari back in 1929 allowed the Vatican to become a church and state power as they were during the infamous Inquisitions wherein they tortured and killed hundreds of millions of Christians. But certain stipulations in that treaty crippled their ability to rule and kill as they lusted after. This is why they joined forces with Islam to kill Christians as they did with Hitler to kill Jews. As prophesied, they are bloodthirsty and so they will find a way to kill. But as we now see, and have been seeing for years, the Jesuit Pope in power who took an oath to kill all nonCatholics has been chipping away at that 1929 treaty so as to nullify it. He actually started in the year 2000. The new law put forth by the Pope today does just that.
And so the Pope and every nation in bed with him that had their CEO and political leaders meet with the Pope years ago, all of them are pushing forward Rome’s plans to frighten all the people so as to gain more control. What we see happening has to do with what the apostle Luke prophesied for many that do not trust Jesus Christ as Lord in the last days right before He returns. He said in Luke 21:26-28, that “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
And yes, this is why the Pope keeps promoting climate change. It makes the people think all the signs in nature are man-made and not prophesied events that were to happen right before Jesus returns. What you see happening in nature has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the return of Christ!
And so, just as we see all the other signs proving we are very near the end, this sign about fear being cultivated in the hearts of men was prophesied so as to let those that do understand prophecy know that we are even closer to that end than most thought. Now do you see why it’s time to GET OUT OF THE CITIES?
And by the way, all this fear is going to be in the hearts of the lost that have no faith in the Lord to grant them the peace He promised when they accept Him as Saviour. Obedient Christians who know Jesus, trust Jesus and truly allow Him to be Lord of their lives right down to Him sending the Holy Spirit to write His law in their hearts. They know they have been granted the peace as well as the strong faith, courage and ability to keep God’s law when the powers that be make it illegal to do so. Because that is exactly where all this is headed. As students of prophecy, we have been warning people for decades, religious laws are soon to come that demand everyone breaks God’s law to stop the calamities.
Obedient Christians will not falter here. But as the prophet Isaiah predicted, literally billions of people who only claim to be Christians to hide their shame, they will bow to these religious laws thinking it will please the Lord when in fact it was all prophesied to please the dying god of this world instead. And what will those religious laws be? Notice first what the Bible says about how the mark of the beast and how it clearly says it is a religious law. What I mean is, each time the mark or even the beast who enforces it is mentioned in prophecy, we see the word WORSHIP is right there with it.
- Revelation13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
- Revelation13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
- Revelation14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
- Revelation14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
The Lord can’t make in any plainer than He already has in the above verses. But because most people trust the wolves and many false prophets they think are godly pastors on their pulpits, most will receive this mark gladly thinking it’s God’s will. Especially after Satan appears as the Vatican’s version of Jesus Christ to demand all keep his law over God’s law.
And so the question arises.. What have the obedient people of God been saying for the last few generations regarding what that religious law will be when they finally enforce it? I will let Pope John Paul II, a man who’s Papal name and title both = 666, a man who sold the gas to the Nazis to kill the Jews, a man who escaped via the Vatican ratline to hide as a priest who committed Nazi war crimes, a man who not only started the chemtrail program that makes pandemics easy to cultivate now, his Euro coin was minted with an airplane literally spraying chemtrails on the back of that coin! This so called Roman Catholic saint John Paul II is the Vatican’s man that I will let answer that question for you. For as we know, not only are all the Popes the prophesied Antichrist wherein every prophecy that was ever uttered regarding Antichrist have been fulfilled by them, this man was purposely made into a saint recently faster than any so called Roman saint before him so the Vatican can soon claim he speaks from Heaven by echoing what this Pope said regarding their choice for religious laws. He said in his Dios Domini the following words:
“Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy.” –Dios Domini page 112.
When they pass that law they will make it illegal to keep the Law of God that even they admit was never changed by God. Not much else needs to be said at this point other than, MARANATHA!
UPDATED: 03-18-20
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Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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