Do you recall all the videos I posted showing how the Pope met with all the CEO and Political leaders as well as how he controls the media in America and other aspects of society? There’s far too many to list here. It’s all part of the final plans towards a New World Order.
Have you seen all the Covid 19 compliance emails being sent out from every major company we associate with on and offline? I’ve seen emails about how these companies are doing all they can to do their part in this so called pandemic. From our banks to utility companies, to our schools and even online shopping. Most of us have seen this type of email the last 2 weeks. And so what does it all mean?
As students of prophecy we know what we see happening must happen. This is one of the promised blessings of being a serious student of the Bible. When you study the truth in the Word daily the Lord makes it easy to see the lies in the world.
The powers that be must do all they can to be able to enforce the mark of the beast by their New World Order date of 2030. And so , this is why we see the videos of military tanks rolling into every major city of America. (See this video – this video – this video – this video – this video and this video as well)
Now do you see why Trump added so much money to military funding? It is important to have the tanks in place as well as all governing bodies both local, state and federal as well as the CEO’s of every corporation in this nation to be on the same page on this. And it’s oh so obvious that they know the only way to make sure all these things can be done without alarming the people is to simply create a fake epidemic so as to make them believe the government is doing all they can to help the people. Remember September 11 and what it was like before and then directly afterwards? They generated so much fear the uneducated people demanded the government lock down all airports from that day forward with armed guards. Now that the people have had nearly 2 decades of getting used to all that government control we saw false flag attacks on the schools which led to them placing armed guards in the schools. And now soon, those same armed guards will be on every street corner.
When the powers that be shut down their countries over something that is nowhere near as deadly as the common flu, (See proof here) when you see them demanding we all stay home and then as we see here in America the government plans to send its citizens thousands of dollars for up to four months; if you have eyes that see you know this is all being done to cultivate the long prophesied Socialist format that is needed for the USA to be able to enforce the mark of the beast. There is even a recent bill that has language in it that will change our currency to a digital dollar because as prophesied, if the people have cash in hand they cannot enforce the “buy & sell” portion of the mark. When the money becomes digital, and it will, they can merely flick a switch or a key on a keyboard and shut off all your access to cash, from credit cards to payroll checks. And as also prophesied they are right now suspending the Constitution and even placing military forces on US streets in an open violation of the Posse Commitatus Act of 1878 so as to assure very little if any resistance is met.
When you look around the world and see every nation working together on this single agenda that started in Communist China you cannot but see that Covid 19 has brought forth exactly what the man of sin in Rome was prophesied to bring about. World Wide Compliance. For as we know, the real power behind the New World Order is as the Bible predicted. It is as it was in the past. All roads lead to ROME.
After all, why would a nation like India with just over 1.3 billion citizens lock down all their cities after just 7 people died of the virus? They, like all the other nations are showing loyalty to the Pope and his final agenda by their compliance to what students of prophecy have been warning everyone of for many years. You simply cannot declare an epidemic with such low numbers. That’s not how am epidemic is defined. Worse yet, want a truly obvious example of political theater? Just look at the nation of Malawi. Their president just locked down their entire nation without so much as a single case of the virus in their borders! That is the ultimate definition of political theater!
And how was Satan able to get everyone into one accord state by state and province by province? I will let the Governor of Cebu in the Philippines answer that one. “Garcia said she has already asked the Provincial Board to hold an emergency session on Thursday to declare Cebu under a “state of emergency.” This would allow local authorities to access emergency funds for COVID-19 response.” (Source) That’s right! It’s all about the money as usual.
Soon that day will come that we have been watching for. Soon the leaders of the world will join hands with their already agreed upon leader of the One World Church and One World Court system who has agreed to stand before the people as the moral authority on earth we will then see the prophesied religious laws enforced as expected.
And just so you know, they are already connecting all this Coronavirus with Climate Change because Christian prophecy is that blunt. As we have been warning people for many years, they will soon declare all the natural disasters of what they call climate change and the Bible calls the final signs of Christ’s return, they will declare all of these problems can be ended and the world will be healed by God if everyone agrees to embrace religious laws that will appease the Vatican’s version of Jesus.
And just what are those religious laws? See thousands of articles that have been flooded all over the media for many years with talking points regarding these religious laws that as expected have brought us to this final stage HERE.
UPDATED: 03-27-20
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Former British PM wants temporary ‘world government‘ * Hospitals consider do-not-resuscitate order for coronavirus patients * ‘Ecofascists’: Coronavirus the ‘cure,’ humans ‘the disease’ * Man planning to bomb Missouri hospital killed, FBI says * Grocery store forced to destroy over $35,000 worth of food after woman’s ‘twisted prank’ * Police raid home of former Ohio councilman accused in sex trafficking ring * Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus * LEADERS USING CORONA VIRUS TO THEIR ADVANTAGE: Vulture Investors Using Coronavirus Carnage to Wipe Out Small Business * Coronavirus Jailbreak: NYC Frees 375 Inmates While Car Theft Skyrockets * As Islamists Spread Conspiracies, ISIS Seeks to Exploit Coronavirus Crisis * VIDEO: ‘Didn’t We Tell You Stay Home?’: Surfer Returns to Shore to Find Police Waiting * CORONA VIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Harvard study finds COVID-19 fatality rate far lower than WHO suggests *Dr. Fauci concedes coronavirus death rate like ‘very bad flu’ * CORONA VIRUS PANIC 2.0: Hundreds Die in Iran After Drinking Poison ‘Cure’ for Coronavirus * VIDEO: Italian Mayor Threatens to Send “Police With Flamethrowers” to Break Up Graduation Parties * UK Teen Commits Suicide Over Coronavirus Self-Isolation * Virginia’s Governor Has Made It a Crime for More Than 10 People to Attend a Church Service * Virginia Governor makes it a criminal offense punishable by jail to go to attend church services of more than 10 people * RELIGIOUS LAWS ARE COMING: Trump Cabinet Bible leader blames coronavirus on God’s ‘wrath’
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Human Rights NGO Accuses Egypt Security Forces of Torturing Children * VIDEO: Scenes Resembling First World War as ‘Battle of Evros’ Between Greeks, Migrants, Turks Continues * VIDEO: Doctor: I treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success (will he be ignored?) * LEADERS USING CORONA VIRUS TO THEIR ADVANTAGE: Coronavirus Stimulus Offered By House Financial Services Committee Creates New Digital Dollar * A country with no coronavirus cases has declared a national disaster and shut schools, large gatherings * CORONA VIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization * Harvard study finds COVID-19 fatality rate far lower than WHO suggests * Is Covid-19 A Global 9/11? Evidence Can Be Arranged To Suggest A False Flag Construct And Here’s How * CONFIRMED: CoVid-19 coronavirus found to contain unique “gain-of-function” property “for efficient spreading in the human population” exact quote from science paper just published in Antiviral Research * Further COVID-19 Weaponization Data Points * A country with no coronavirus cases has declared a national disaster and shut schools, large gatherings * CORONA VIRUS PANIC 2.0: Eric Garcetti Threat: Water, Power Shut Off if You Don’t Close Up Shop * LA County Sheriff Orders Closure of Gun Stores, Releases 1,700 Inmates * Coronavirus Outbreak: 156 Million People in 17 U.S. States in Lockdown * Coughing On Someone Could Now Be Considered Terrorism If You Have Coronavirus * VIDEO: COVID panic peaks as camera shows crew literally abandoning cockpit after passenger sneezes * Residents threatened with jail for leaving homes during pandemic * Virginia closes all public schools for rest of academic year * U.S. airlines reportedly preparing for possible total shutdown of domestic flights * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: YouTube Isn’t Bound by the First Amendment and Can Censor PragerU Videos: Appeals Court
UPDATED: 03-20-20
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Police Use Tear Gas on West Virginia U. Students After Campus Closure * FYI: Americans warned to ignore ‘$1,000 assistance check’ scam messages * VIDEO: Prosperity preacher Paula White solicits cash during coronavirus prayer session * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: CoronaVirus “Live Exercise”, Jan 2020 * If Covid19 is 3X more contagious than the regular flu as VP Pence says, then why do we have 22,000+ dead of the flu and only 150 dead of Covid19? * Socialists Look to Take Advantage of Coronavirus Emergency * Statistics show corornavirus U.S. death-rate decreasing (MOB testing done?) * Stanford professor: Data indicates we’re severely overreacting to coronavirus * CORONAVIRUS HARBINGER TO CLIMATE CHANGE LOCKDOWN: If we can shut down America for COVID-19, Dems can shut it down for climate change * VIDEO: Coronavirus and Climate Change * CORONAVIRUS PANIC 2.0: VIDEO: Illinois governor issues order requiring residents to ‘stay at home’ starting Saturday * What to watch for when government tells churches to close * Police show up at Louisiana church that was defying coronavirus state order * VIDEO: US starts to release inmates due to coronavirus outbreak * Israel Is Now Tracking Coronavirus Patients Using Their Smartphones * Martial Law Is Reportedly On The Table In California In Order To Slow The Spread Of Coronavirus