If you don’t know what the mark of the beast is, check out this in depth study or just view some of the many videos I have posted on my mark of the beast page. And if you don’t know how prophecy says the Pope in Rome will use climate change to enforce the mark, see another in depth study or just watch some of the videos I posted on my climate change page.
For those that know what the mark is and how the Pope will in fact use climate change to enforce it very soon, check this out.
“Pope Francis very recently invited seven specific groups of people to further engage in a process of ecological conversion: families, schools, universities, dioceses, religious orders, hospitals and agriculture. These different realities are places that, in diverse ways, communicate with and relate to the earth, our human family and God. They can become places for experimenting with new ways of living, educating, teaching, researching, celebrating, governing, being in solidarity, managing, caring, working, eating, moving… The pope has suggested a timeframe of seven years for this process.” –Source –Source2
As we learned 2 years ago, the Pope and his Vatican controlled United Nation’s leader announced their plans for a one world government by 2030. This push to enforce the mark three years prior is obviously his way of escalating his New World Order agenda. Will he get his wish by 2030 or perhaps even sooner by 2027?
Basic reality is this; like the Global ID plans that have been postponed a few times since 2005, what the powers that be want and what will be allowed to happen via our heavenly Father’s expressed written will in His Word are two different things. After all, it is only the Father Himself that knows the day and the hour of all future events.
All that’s needed to enforce the mark in our generation have been on the books for years now. But nothing will happen until the Latter Rain falls more abundantly upon the obedient remnant people, the Loud Cry goes forth and the 501c3 & 501c4 preachers and their political puppeteers do all they can to try and shut us up.
With all that said, when we see what’s happening in the world right now as well as what they plan to do in the very near future, as students of prophecy we know these are the final signs that Christ’s return is very near. Everything is right now falling into place exactly as our heavenly King prophesied. But, will this be enough to get some Christians off the couch so as to join the remnant people to proclaim present truth before it becomes illegal to do so? As prophesied, some will.. sadly, most will not.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: click here for all the poGm updates
THINKING OUT LOUD: “Be aware of fake news! Real Fact: Once the temperature crosses 35-36 degrees celsius, no virus will survive.” – Srinivas Mishra (Click here if you also want to Think Out Loud!)
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Woman who was dragged during police wellness check speaks out * Roman Catholic Joe Biden’s ‘Unity’ Platform with Bernie Sanders Gives Free Health Care to DACA Illegal Aliens * EXCLUSIVE: Two Cops in Mexican Border State Tied to Cartel Kidnapping * PTL: VIDEO: Texas Police Officer Runs into Burning Mobile Home to Save 8-Year-Old Boy (Defund Police?!) * Roman Catholic Joe Biden Vows to Reverse Supreme Court on Religious Exemptions in Obamacare * Power Outages Reported in Tehran After Another Mysterious Explosion * VIDEO: Wife Takes Job as Dishwasher to Visit Husband with Alzheimer’s During Pandemic * UCSB asks students to rat each other out for hosting parties amid COVID: students * VIDEO: Don Lemon blasphemes Jesus on national TV: He wasn’t perfect * VIDEO: Heated Exchange Over Masks at Long Island Dairy Queen Caught on Camera * California security guard charged with murder after shooting customer who didn’t wear mask * BLM leader proposes 5-year plan to totally eliminate police * Black Lives Matter goes silent on Martin Luther King (Hypocrites!) * Move over coronavirus, bubonic plague now diagnosed in China (Planned-Demic 2.0?) * Dem strategist: We must ‘knock down’ Trump’s last line of defense, the economy (In other words, Covid 19, BLM, riots and talk of civil war are ALL so Democrats can win in November!) * RELIGION OF PEACE? Iran Executes Man for Drinking Alcohol 6 Times * GET OUT OF THE CITIES! Some Threaten ‘Lethal Force’ to Protect Texas Monument amid Rumors of BLM Protest (Spirit of Civil War is brewing) * VIDEO: Heavily armed black militia marches through suburban city, demands reparations from whites * RACISM IN POLITICS: NYT Publishes Peter Beinart Op-ed Calling for End of Israel * VIDEO: Canada Students Chant ‘Jews Are Our Dogs’ in anti-Israel Protest (Just more Proof Govt Schools Brainwash YOUR kids) * Eagles Owner Produces Hitler Documentary, Has Yet to Punish DeSean Jackson for Posting Antisemitic Quotes * Joy Reid Once Said Antisemitic Iranian President ‘Has a Point’ About Sending Jews from Israel to Europe * Black Lives Matter isn’t just anti-police, it’s anti-Jew * Ex-NBA Player Rants About ‘Rich Jews,’ Defends NFL Star Who Posted Hitler ‘Quotes’ * VIDEO: Heavily armed black militia marches through suburban city, demands reparations from whites (One day closer to Civil War!) * WNBA players try to chase owner out of league for opposing Black Lives Matter * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA: High Court Rules Christian Adoption Charity Must Allow Same-Sex Carers * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA: Farage: Marxist BLM Has Agenda That ‘Would Make Lenin Blush’ * Mask off: Another influential lawmaker calls for overthrow of capitalism * CANCEL AMERICA * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Hong Kong Forced to Delete Movies, TV Shows, Books That ‘Threaten’ China * British Universities Comply with Chinese Internet Censorship * VIDEO: Young Americans willing to give up 1st Amendment rights to avoid offending (Just more Proof Govt Schools Brainwash YOUR kids) * National Scrabble Association bans up to 226 words that might be offensive * In echo of Mao era, China’s schools in book-cleansing drive * GOP demands Twitter’s Jack Dorsey explain his censorship * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S ADVANTAGE: A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: VIDEO: CoVid 19 Update. Please watch * VIDEO: Dr Bartlett has cured peole for years of Covid 19 * VIDEO: Fool Me Twice (This proves Covid 19 is a lie – Numbers don’t lie) * Stanford researcher: Spike in COVID not cause for alarm * 3 states account for 42% of COVID-19 deaths * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: click here for all the poGm updates
THINKING OUT LOUD: “Regarding health and safety issues, never trust the government.” – Steven Magee (Click here if you also want to Think Out Loud!)
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Dismisses God: ‘You Don’t Need Help From Above‘ * VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Protest Joins ‘Allah hu Akbar’ Chanting Pro-Yemen Demonstration * Active shooter situation at California Marine Corps base * W.H.O. Backs China’s Handling of Bubonic Plague Outbreak: ‘Not High Risk’ * Cop Under Investigation for Tik Tok Post Citing Defund Police Crowd’s Request for Police Protection at Protest * Stunning 50% believe violent overthrow attempt of U.S. ‘somewhat likely’ * Feds stay secretive on why it took 24 years to arrest Ghislaine Maxwell * VIDEO: Shock video: GRAPHIC: Black man bludgeons white boy, 12, dancing on sidewalk * VIDEO: Watch Antifa video teaching how to ‘smash windshields and assault drivers’ * FBI opens new Chinese spy investigation every 10 hours * Andres Guardado was shot five times in the back, family autopsy finds * GET OUT OF THE CITIES! Shootings Triple in Mayor de Blasio’s NYC * RACISM IN POLITICS: VIDEO: Video shows Black man pinned to tree in what he calls ‘attempted lynching’ at Indiana lake (End result of media pushing racism) * Washington State School Reopening Option Prioritizes ‘Students of Color’ * George Soros-backed DA Charges Couple with ‘Hate Crime’ for Painting Over ‘Black Lives Matter’ * Democrat Georgia State Representative: ‘Joe Biden Is the Full-Blooded Bigot’ * ‘It’s ‘Racism and White Supremacy to Say All Black People Need to Be Democrat’ * DeSean Jackson’s Hateful Posts Reveal Antisemitic Strain Within Black Lives Matter * Wait’ll they realize the black anthem was penned by a Christian * BLM leader: Whites are subhuman ‘genetic defects’ * FLASHBACK: See Obama, Bernie, other top Dems paying homage to Mt. Rushmore (Hypocrites!) * Ilhan Omar: ‘Dismantle’ U.S. economy and political system * VIDEO: Watch Black Lives Matter invade Christian church * From ‘master bedroom’ to ‘blacklist’: What will it take to change racist terms in our everyday language? * ROME’S CASHLESS SOCIETY: Coronavirus: WHO Urges People To Go ‘Cashless’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Leftists Condemn Arch-leftist Noam Chomsky for Defending Free Speech * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S ADVANTAGE: Coronavirus: WHO Urges People To Go ‘Cashless * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Coronavirus pandemic coming to an end? Death rate plunging (Except in liberal cities) * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: click here for all the poGm updates
THINKING OUT LOUD: “I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read “But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” – Matthew 6:15. Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did? Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return. – Herschel Walker. (Click here if you also want to Think Out Loud!)
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: California governor bans singing in church*Report: China Forcibly Extracted Citizen DNA for Police Database During Pandemic * Report: Black Lives Matter activists are funneling donations to their own companies * L.A. Times publishes Beijing-funded propaganda * Report: Israel caused explosion at Iran nuclear site * U.N. ‘alarmed’ as hundreds arrested since ‘vague’ Hong Kong national security law passed * ‘A Global Tragedy’: Think Tanks in 39 Countries Denounce Hong Kong Security Law, Call for International Response * ‘Catastrophic’ elephant deaths mystery: Hundreds have dropped dead in Botswana, and no one knows why * GET OUT OF THE CITIES! NY County Issues ‘Costly’ Subpoenas to People for Refusing to Talk to Coronavirus Contact Tracers * VIDEO: Black Florida sheriff will deputize every gun owner if rioters bring lawlessness to his county (civil war is prophesied and is coming) * ‘Minneapolis effect’: Crime spike follows anti-cop push * Violent Demonstrators in Portland Launch Mortars, Damage Federal Courthouse (civil war is prophesied and is coming) * WL Council president asks whether city needs armored truck * VIDEO: Portland Police Retreat Into Precinct Building as Riot Declared * RACISM IN POLITICS: Stadium Sponsor FedEx Requests Washington Redskins Change Team Name * Officials Say Redskins Cannot Move Back to D.C. Unless Team Name Changed * Report: NFL Expected to Play Black National Anthem Before Season Opening Games * National Parks Are Latest Target of Systemic Racism Claim in America * Definition of Systemic Racism in Sociology * Radio Host Suspended for Denying He Had ‘White Privilege’ Reinstated * Nike Removes Redskins Gear from Website * Actress Sarah Jones: ‘Hollywood Has Been an Engine of White Supremacist Ideology Since D.W Griffith’ * Danny Glover: Police Represent the ‘Last Line of Defense for White Supremacy’ * Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks * UMass dean fired after writing ‘Everyone’s Life Matters’ in email * VIDEO: Watch Black Lives Matter mob chant hatred for Jews * Vatican suspends one of their own for condemning BLM * Herschel Walker quotes Bible verse, ‘Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?’ * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA: Netflix Orders Queer-Friendly Animated Children’s Series ‘DeadEndia’ * Supreme Court’s LGBT discrimination ruling forces Harvard to end ban on single-gender clubs * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA: Which socialist song will replace ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’? * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Radio Host Suspended for Denying He Had ‘White Privilege’ Reinstated * Boeing Executive Resigns Over 1987 Op-Ed Opposing Women in Combat * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: VIDEO: CoVid 19 Update. Please watch * Texas Governor Contradicts Everything He Ever Said About Mandating Masks * Huge: Massive CDC Fraud Uncovered – CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely * The Pandemic of 2020 is over – but don’t expect media to cover it * New study documents that hydroxychloroquine does work * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!