All the movements now in progress around us are all synchronized from new world order, climate change, pandemic hype, racism, etc. only reveals that Christian prophecy is so accurate. The US, who started as a Protestant nation, will exercise SOON the power of the Vatican and will lead all to obey it’s mark of authority, and then it will be global! Let’s continue to watch, work, and pray while we can to be ready for this coming crisis.
The US needs an ambassador to the Holy See
“Joe Biden will soon be the first Catholic president to nominate an ambassador to the Holy See, something that in earlier days would have been anathema to American Protestants who feared the papacy’s political and religious power. They believed Catholics would impose their religion on the country if they ever attained power. In 1867, Congress even passed a law forbidding spending government money on an embassy in Rome. This law remained on the books until 1984. That the nomination this time will be noncontroversial shows how anti-Catholicism has declined in the United States and how more and more people recognize the value of having an ambassador at the Vatican. ”
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