Switzerland Moves Towards Cashless Society

A Person Holding a Payment Terminal

According to news report on August 21, 2024, “Switzerland’s new instant payment system will bolster the future of cashless payments in the country, the Swiss central bank said Wednesday after the scheme went live… By the end-2026 at the latest, all financial institutions active in retail payment transactions will be reachable, the SNB said in a statement… The central bank anticipates that instant payments ‘are likely to become established in Switzerland in the medium term, and form the basis for further innovation in payment transactions.”

As we have been preaching for so long, the “no buy and sell” Bible prophecy will soon to take place, ushering the Vatican’s long-awaited enforcement of the mark.

Despite reports that “No cash accepted” signs are bad news for millions of unbanked Americans,” yet in time of trouble this will be good news for all obedient and faithful Christians around the world that they will see how the Lord will fulfill His promise that their bread and waters shall be sure

God will never fail! Do you trust Him?

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