A religious news headline on November 24, 2024, stated that “The significance of Sunday worship for Christians.” It goes on to say that “The tradition of Sunday worship finds its origins in the Bible and early Christian practices. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, an event celebrated as the Resurrection. This made Sunday, often referred to as the “Lord’s Day,” a sacred occasion for Christians to gather and commemorate the foundation of their faith.”
“Early Christians in the first century adopted Sunday as their primary day of worship, distinguishing it from the Jewish Sabbath, which falls on Saturday… Sunday worship is an opportunity for Christians to pause from their busy lives and dedicate time to God. Attending church services allows believers to engage in communal prayer, sing hymns, and hear sermons that inspire and guide them in their spiritual journey. The Eucharist or Holy Communion, central to many Christian traditions, is often celebrated during Sunday services, serving as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and love.”
News like this simply promotes Vatican dogma!
Sunday worship actually came from Baal worship, NOT from the practices of early Bible Christians. In fact, Sunday is not the Lord’s Day. There is no such thing as “Jewish Sabbath” or “Christian Sabbath” for these expression comes from apostasy and rebellion of God’s law. Not only the Catholic church now reviving “Eucharistic Jesus” saying that God deserves worship and has demanded ALL to attend MASS every SUNday, but also admitted the adoption of pagan Sunday worship. Take note the following statements:
- “The retention of the old pagan name of Dies Solis, for Sunday is, in a great measure, owing to the union of pagan and Christian sentiment with which the first day of the week was recommended by Constantine to his subjects – pagan and Christian alike – as the ‘venerable’ day of the sun.” –Arthur P. Stanley, History of the Eastern Church, p. 184
- “Sunday was a name given by the heathens to the first day of the week, because it was the day on which they worshipped the sun, ...the seventh day was blessed and hallowed by God Himself, and …He requires His creatures to keep it holy to Him. This commandment is of universal and perpetual obligation…The Creator ‘blessed the seventh day‘-declared it to be a day above all days, a day- on which His favour should assuredly rest. …So long, then, as man exists, and the world around him endures,’ does the law of the early Sabbath remain. It cannot be set aside so long as its foundations last…. It is not the Jewish Sabbath, properly so-called, which is ordained in the fourth commandment. In the whole of that injunction there is no Jewish element, any more than there is in the third commandment, or the sixth.” Eadie’s Biblical Cyclopedia, 1872 Edition, page 561.
Did you know that at least 171 of the 195 countries that now exist changed their calendars to make Sunday, the first day of the week, appear to be the seventh day? The prophecy is unfolding rapidly and will happen just as foretold; the Sunday law, which is the mark of the Vatican beast, will be put into effect soon!
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