Sunday Reset

Who said Sunday isn’t a day for rest and relaxation? We can’t stop time marching forward, but we can reframe the end of the weekend from something to dread to a chance to recharge, reconnect with ourselves, and plan for the week ahead.” This is quoted from the article entitled, The Ultimate “Sunday Reset” Checklist to Prepare For the Week Ahead.

A “Sunday reset” is a modern term that encourages people to dedicate Sundays to get ready for the week ahead, recognizing the benefits of this practice.

However, the practice of dedicating Sundays for rest and reflection comes from the Roman Catholic Church, linked to the prophesy that “he shall… think to change times and laws” in Daniel 7:25. It is a deliberate act opposing the Seventh Day Sabbath of the Lord because the papacy admitted changing it to Sunday as a mark of its authority.

“Sunday… It is the law of the Catholic Church alone.” – Catholic American Sentinels, June 1893

“Sunday is our mark of authority… the church is above the Bible, and this transference of the Sabbath observance is a proof of that fact.” – Catholic Record of London, Ontario, Sept. 1, 1923 

In other words, those who say that the Apostles changed the Sabbath to Sunday lack evidence from the Bible. The first law to recognize Sunday as a day of rest was decreed by Roman Emperor Constantine in A.D. 321, and early Christians had nothing to do with it.

So, those who are promoting the idea of a “Sunday reset” as a day for rest and preparation might not realize they are being conditioned to accept the mark of the beast, which is expected to be enforced soon!

I implore you to say “NO” to the mark right now!

Truth is truth!

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