Catholicism Shaped JD Vance’s View

On September 4, 2024, a news headline reported that “JD Vance’s Catholicism helped shape his views. So did this little-known group of Catholic thinkers.”

What is interesting on this article is how it exposes what the Catholic Church wants to do by using the influence of its Catholic politicians (such as Vance, who is running for Vice President) and ‘this little-known group of Catholic thinkers’, i.e., Catholic conservatives or Postliberals.

Notice what they wanted to do: –

Depending on who’s talking, a postliberal regime change could involve encouraging childbearing, easing or removing church-state separation, banning pornography for adults and children alike, reimposing laws limiting business on the Sabbath, supporting private-sector unions and strengthening safety nets for the middle class.

The Sabbath stated here is NOT the Seventh-day Sabbath, but rather the first day of the week, Sunday. Yes, the Vatican beast’s ultimate plan is enforcing the Sunday laws, as prophesied.

And this is what the Roman Catholic Archbishop Gilroy in Australia, said “The Roman Catholic motto is ourselves alone for fellow Roman Catholics. We must defeat all heretics* at the ballot box. The holy father states that negative tactics are fatal. The demands of the holy father [the pope] are that the public services should be 100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be taken that no suspicion may be raised when Roman Catholics are secretly given more government jobs than Protestants, Jews, and other heretics.

Keep in mind that the word *Heretic* means a person who maintains beliefs contrary to the established teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

So, regardless of who wins this election, the Vatican will be the true winner, just as the result of the 2020 election has already been decided.

And why is that the case? David Phelan, a Catholic priest and editor, stated:

“Why is the Pope such a tremendous power? All the emperors, all the kings, all the princes, all the Presidents of the world to-day, are as these altar boys of mine. The Pope is the ruler of the world.” – Roman Catholic Priest and Editor, David S. Phelan, Western Watchman, June 27, 1912.

Soon, a terrible crisis will come, and everyone will be tested to see if they will choose God’s law or man’s law. But don’t fail this test! Choose and obey God rather than men!

Remember, Chistian prophecy is 100% accurate. Truth is truth!

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