Wife of Chinese Church Leader Reportedly Buried Alive and Killed After Protesting Church’s Demolition.
Two members of a church demolition team in China’s central Henan province buried a house church leader and his wife alive Thursday when the pair tried to prevent the destruction of their church, according to local news sources. Though the church leader managed to escape, his wife suffocated to death before she could be freed.
The couple had petitioned the destruction of their church, China Aid reported Monday.
On April 14, a government-sponsored company sent workers to bulldoze Beitou Church in Zhumadian. The order came after a local developer expressed interest in the church’s valuable land.
When the demolition crew showed up, Li Jiangong, the church leader, and his wife, Ding Cuimei, stepped in front of the bulldozers to protest the demolition.
“Bury them alive for me,” one of the workers said, according to China Aid. “I will be responsible for their lives.”
The couple was reportedly pushed into a pit with a bulldozer, which proceeded to cover their bodies with soil, suffocating Ding and nearly killing Li. Source