What Has America Become?

As we look at the things happening around America today, the article below from Michigan Newspaper Editorial is still relevant and has simply said it all, although it’s written years ago.

“Editor, Has America become the land of the special interest and home of the double standard? Lets see: If we lie to the Congress, it’s a felony and if the congress lies to us its just politics; if we dislike a black person, we’re racist and if a black dislikes whites, it’s their 1st Amendment right; the government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims; in public schools you can teach that homosexuality is OK, but you better not use the word God in the process; you can kill an unborn child, but its wrong to execute a mass murderer; we don’t burn books in America, we now rewrite them; we got rid of the communist and socialist threat by renaming them progressives; we are unable to close our border with Mexico, but have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea; if you protest against President Obama’s policies you’re a terrorst, but if you burned an American flag or George Bush in effigy it was your 1st Amendment right.”

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Paul Ryan says America needs Catholicism

download“Ryan, who is Catholic, lamented at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast what he sees as a deepening sense of “identity politics and tribalism” in the country, as well as a trend of “moral relativism” that is becoming “more and more pervasive.” “If there was ever a time, if there was ever a place where Catholics — from the clergy to the laity — are needed, it is here and it is now, helping solve this problem, addressing this challenge,” he said. “Our social doctrine is the perfect antidote to what ails our culture.” –Source

And he won’t be the last to suggest this in the coming days. How do I know this? Not only was it prophesied that Rome will create a New World Order based on a Socialist format wherein so called religious laws based on Roman Catholicism which is biblically defined as a cult becomes the norm. The Popes of Rome as well as many Vatican prelates have declared over the last century or so their bold desires to take over the USA completely. And for those that don’t believe me on that, notice the following quotes from many Roman Catholic politicians and church leaders over the years.  Continue reading

Dozens of top schools fail to presume innocence

johnshopkins“They are among the elite of higher education: Boston University, College of William & Mary, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Penn State, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt and others. They represent, to many, the epitome of education. The best understanding of history, social events, medicine, science, literature and law. Yet all of those schools, and many more, fail to ensure that students accused of on-campus infractions are presumed innocent until proven guilty.” –Source

And why do you suppose that is? Well it’s for the exact same reason most nations seek to emulate American culture or people in the Western half of our nation influence fashion, sports and “what’s cool” for the other half of the nation. It has to do with the blind leading the blind. It’s a means by which Satan has been able to lure people into his trophy case for literally eons.   Continue reading

The root cause of America’s new civil war

Anti-Trump-protesters-TW“First, for those who weren’t around during the 1950s, let me just say that the America of my youth, despite its many shortcomings, was basically confident, prosperous and overflowing with life, hope and unlimited opportunity. People were patriotic, and our culture was strong and essentially moral. America was the undisputed leader of the world – not just militarily and economically, but in terms of freedom and generosity. (To my liberal friends: Do me a favor and don’t tell me, “But the ’50s had racial segregation.” Yes, and today we dismember, poison, vacuum, crush the skulls of, chemically burn or decapitate 3,000 beautiful human babies every single day. So just drop it.) Compared with the shining and vibrant nation it once was, today’s America has become a different country: deeply and angrily divided, unable to deal with crises foreign or domestic, the world’s greatest debtor nation with 50 million people on food stamps, rampant divorce and family breakdown, unprecedented sexual anarchy with 110 million with STDs, almost 60 million abusing alcohol and 70 million taking mood-altering drugs. On so many levels, America is becoming ever more “bizarro” – diametrically opposed to logic and common sense.” –Source  (See UPDATE below)

I  must say, I like the way this reporter lays it out here. Partly because I was born in the 50’s and I too have seen what he saw growing up in America. What was once a well-rounded nation with its somewhat, although targeted and quickly eroding moral character, today’s world is insanely different. And I use the word “insane” in every sense of the word! But there is still another reason I posted this article. It has to do with all the talk of “Civil War” in the media lately. And have you seen this video from a former Obama appointee as Attorney General who is actually advocating marching, bleeding and dying in the streets of America to try and prevent the present administration in the White House from uprooting their previous administrations policies that she says were “great ideals of our founding fathers.” And that includes everything from homosexual. marriage, legalized marijuana  and men walking legally into girls bathrooms without fear of being arrested just to name a few. If those looking on can’t see how we have fallen into the depths of the last days wherein the evils of mankind are celebrated, then I have to say  that YOU are part of the problem and the very ones prophesied to embrace sin and all its hellish putrescence as the norm.   Continue reading

God ‘eroded, eclipsed, liquidated’ in U.S., says cardinal

cardinal_robert_sarah“God is being eroded, eclipsed, liquidated … “in the name of ‘tolerance’” in the U.S., he said, citing “legalization of same-sex marriage, the obligation to accept contraception within health-care programs, and even ‘bathroom bills’ that allow men to use the women’s restrooms and locker rooms.” “Should not a biological man use the men’s restroom?” he asked. “How simpler can that concept be?” The cardinal shifted his focus from the social and political realm to the church itself, warning against subversion of its orthodoxy and “demonic ‘gender ideology’” that threatens to wound the family unit itself.” –Source

Amazing isn’t it? The very church that is being used by Satan to “erode, eclipse and liquidate” the United States of America by pushing their homosexual agenda in every aspect of society is now declaring someone else is causing all the problems we have in America? Can’t you just feel the love in his eyes? Seriously, doesn’t anyone have discernment anymore?  Continue reading…