Anti-Trump-protesters-TW“First, for those who weren’t around during the 1950s, let me just say that the America of my youth, despite its many shortcomings, was basically confident, prosperous and overflowing with life, hope and unlimited opportunity. People were patriotic, and our culture was strong and essentially moral. America was the undisputed leader of the world – not just militarily and economically, but in terms of freedom and generosity. (To my liberal friends: Do me a favor and don’t tell me, “But the ’50s had racial segregation.” Yes, and today we dismember, poison, vacuum, crush the skulls of, chemically burn or decapitate 3,000 beautiful human babies every single day. So just drop it.) Compared with the shining and vibrant nation it once was, today’s America has become a different country: deeply and angrily divided, unable to deal with crises foreign or domestic, the world’s greatest debtor nation with 50 million people on food stamps, rampant divorce and family breakdown, unprecedented sexual anarchy with 110 million with STDs, almost 60 million abusing alcohol and 70 million taking mood-altering drugs. On so many levels, America is becoming ever more “bizarro” – diametrically opposed to logic and common sense.” –Source  (See UPDATE below)

I  must say, I like the way this reporter lays it out here. Partly because I was born in the 50’s and I too have seen what he saw growing up in America. What was once a well-rounded nation with its somewhat, although targeted and quickly eroding moral character, today’s world is insanely different. And I use the word “insane” in every sense of the word! But there is still another reason I posted this article. It has to do with all the talk of “Civil War” in the media lately. And have you seen this video from a former Obama appointee as Attorney General who is actually advocating marching, bleeding and dying in the streets of America to try and prevent the present administration in the White House from uprooting their previous administrations policies that she says were “great ideals of our founding fathers.” And that includes everything from homosexual. marriage, legalized marijuana  and men walking legally into girls bathrooms without fear of being arrested just to name a few. If those looking on can’t see how we have fallen into the depths of the last days wherein the evils of mankind are celebrated, then I have to say  that YOU are part of the problem and the very ones prophesied to embrace sin and all its hellish putrescence as the norm.  

As many of you know, I am a firm believer in the Word of God and this includes His prophetic voice that describes our society in great detail. And I say “His” voice because we all know “the Word was made flesh” in Christ Jesus our Lord. No other book on earth throughout history has ever moved the hearts of men, women and children like the Holy Writ. And when it comes to prophecy, nary a book on earth can hold a candle to it. And this is where I would like to illustrate something some of you that frequent this blog are already aware of. But for those that are new to realizing something strange is going on, did you know another civil war is prophesied for this nation? Besides the obvious “wars and rumors of wars” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:6, and the prophecy of Ezekiel 7:23 that predicted “the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.” Were you also aware some of God’s obedient people of the last days were also given utterance regarding events that would happen in our day?

Click here for a compilation of prophecies that are not found in any great detail in Scripture, and many are not mentioned at all but are now understood as 100% fulfilled in our day. These prophesied facts were uttered just over 100 years ago. Make special note of item #33 in that list when you get time. A bit shocking don’t you think? And so with that all being said, me thinks the Christian foot dragging needs to stop and the work of the LOUD CRY needs to go forth in the prophesied spirit of Elijah as the Lord promised it would. Because if you wait until the mark is enforced to get off your spiritual couch and do something that shows you love the Lord and will go forth to warn those you agreed to warn when you accepted Him as Saviour, all you will be able to do at that time is wig out in deafening peals of guilt, remorse and fear. For Jesus Himself declared long ago in Mark 8:38, “Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

Oh.. one last thing… GET OUT OF THE CITIES!


I know.. I just posted this a few moments ago but a thought came to mind as I was emailing a sister in the faith. When I look at how the left is pushing and even funding the riots, and now all this talk about civil war lately by the obviously controlled media, I can help thinking Trump is in on all this. Yes, he looks to be the crux of the matter, and he looks to be all upset about it, and the left is screaming and crying all about his removal of their so called “great ideals;” but the left is not that stupid when it comes to moving sheeple towards their agenda. They know for a fact that if civil war does break out that martial law will be enforced and Trump will become Dictator! .. again.. this is just me thinking out-loud. But knowing the crafty way Rome was prophesied to play her political games, (See Daniel 8:25) I can’t help seeing this is all part of their orchestrated efforts to what students of prophecy have been expecting all along when it comes to martial law. In fact, we have been warning people for years on how the government has been preparing for it all along.

 Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Christians Targeted by Islamic State Death Squads Flee Egypt’s Sinai Villages * Judge tears into county for pocketing church’s $190,000 * VIDEO: Secret Filming in U.K. Muslim Schools (Graphic 18+) * Ten “Sweden Incidents” in Ten Days! * Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Travel from Six Terror-Tied Countries College Student with Severe Peanut Allergy Allegedly Hazed with Peanut Butter * Violent Alien Escapes After Attacking Border Agent, Tucson Police Refuse To Help * VIDEO: Limbaugh: We’re Watching a Silent Coup Put in Place By Obama and the Democrats * FYI: Gap, Lyft, Microsoft, others: Let boys in girls’ showers * Undocumented (Illegal) Stamford man accused of sexually assaulting girl, 3 Woman ‘accidentally cremated while still alive’ * Venezuelans Are Separating Food from Waste as More People Forced to Eat from Garbage * China Is Preparing Its Own Bitcoin Alternative  * VIDEO: Owners of drive-in opt not to air [Disney’s] Beauty and the Beast because of homosexual character * The Scary State of Volcano Monitoring in the United States * VIDEO: North Korea Missile Launch: Pyongyang fires four missiles into Sea of Japan


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