251321_228409283839934_7053517_n1488553605Sunday’s special and an essential pillar of the European social model. However, the latest European Working Condition Survey indicates that more and more EU citizens have to work on this day. The European Sunday Alliance therefore launched today, on the European day of work-free Sunday, a call to action to show the need for a common EU-wide regulation.

This year the members and supporters from all over Europe are invited to issue statements and pictures why a work-free Sunday is special. Members of the European Parliament, the National Sunday Alliances as well as representatives of labour unions, the Churches and youth organisations reacted already to the call and sent their statements.  Together they agreed that Sunday is of great importance because it allows families to spend time together, employees to rest from their daily work life and citizens to engage in community.  

The European Sunday Alliance aims to promote and re-integrate the Sunday as the common weekly day of rest in the EU working-time directive. The network believes that in particular in times of digitalisation, all citizens of the European Union are entitled to benefit from decent working hours and that only essential services should operate on a Sunday.



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