Bible Reading vs Bible Study – e.g. THE MARK

THE-TRUTH-PROVIDEDjSo many people read Bibles today but next to no one understands what they read because they don’t study their Bibles. You simply cannot read a Bible like you do a menu at a restaurant, or the instructions on how to build some cheap furniture. Now yes, you can get something out of reading the Bible this way, and is how most find Jesus as Lord. That’s what I like to call milky reading of the Word. But once you find Jesus, you get to know Him and His Word more deeply with each passing day if in fact you read His Word daily. (as you should) As you grow closer to Him you start to see things in His Word you missed when you read it before because as is stated Isaiah 28:9, you are starting to understand doctrine as a child that is weaned from the milk.  

Isaiah 28:9, “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.”   Continue reading