Report: YouTube’s Censorship, Appeals Algorithm Is Killing Content Creators

youtube-sorry-640x480“YouTube’s algorithms, which are used to censor and demonetize videos on the platform, are killing its creators, according to a report. …In a statement, a YouTube spokesman attempted to defend the platform against criticism of increased demonetization. “Back in March we rolled out new controls for advertisers to help them better choose where their ads are placed, and we rely on machine learning to evaluate the millions of videos on our platform to implement those choices,” claimed the spokesman. “But no system is perfect, so we encourage creators to appeal for a human review when they feel we got it wrong, and every appeal helps our advertising systems get smarter over time.” –Source

Now that would be all well and good if in fact they were being honest with the press. But as we know, YouTube is owned by Google and Google is very much in bed with Rome, (their logo confirms that hands down) and we also know, and in my case firsthand no less, that Google likes to censor Christians and especially those Christians that share the Biblical facts most all the other churches refuse to share knowing it will upset their status quo.   Continue reading

YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, And Work With ADL

youtube-sorry-reuters-640x480“We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes. …We’ve started rolling out features from Jigsaw’s Redirect Method to YouTube. When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages. We also continue to amplify YouTube voices speaking out against hate and radicalization through our YouTube Creators for Change program.” –Source

You do realize what YouTube is saying here right? They are boldly declaring that if you’re a Christian, and when I say Christian I mean Bible believing obedient child of God who will not declare Allah is Godhomosexual marriage is ok or the Vatican is a Christian organization. That type of Christian will be censored on YouTube. But the truth is, they have already been censoring Christians for years. Ever notice how the amount of hits on my videos have gone down lately? Now I know 8500+ subscribers isn’t a lot, but as is also obvious, it’s not as often as it should be that we see over 1000 hits per video even though when I had next to no subscribers the hits were off the chart. Plus, when they censor the hits, they’re also preventing subscribers. And I am not going to buy subscribers as some have been caught doing in the past.   Continue reading

Street preaches who quoted Bible convicted in ‘modern-day heresy trial’

mike_overd_michael_stockwell_webTwo street preachers have today been convicted of a public order offence, after a public prosecutor claimed that publicly quoting parts of the King James Bible in modern Britain should “be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter.” Prosecutor Ian Jackson also told the court that “although the words preached are included in a version of the Bible in 1611, this does not mean that they are incapable of amounting to a public order offence in 2016. …this prosecution is nothing more than a modern-day heresy trial – dressed up under the Public Order Act.”” –Source

Still think I’m crazy because I stated for the last few decades that free speech will be removed from Christians and the Bible will become not only hate speech, but illegal to quote in public? In this case it’s all about not reciting Bible verses that declare other faiths or other gods to be unwise, not to mention Islam or homosexuality. And any student of prophecy can tell you right off who is behind that religio/political act of protecting the false gods of this world can we not?   Continue reading

The New Censorship

googleGoogle, Inc., isn’t just the world’s biggest purveyor of information; it is also the world’s biggest censor.

The company maintains at least nine different blacklists that impact our lives, generally without input or authority from any outside advisory group, industry association or government agency. Google is not the only company suppressing content on the internet. Reddit has frequently been accused of banning postings on specific topics, and a recent report suggests that Facebook has been deleting conservative news stories from its newsfeed, a practice that might have a significant effect on public opinion – even on voting. Google, though, is currently the biggest bully on the block.  Continue reading…