“That’s the weighty moral principle currently persuading many Americans they cannot in good conscience vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, and must therefore support a third-party spoiler candidate with no chance of winning, or write in the name of someone they really like (Mitt Romney says he might write in his wife), or else refrain from voting for president altogether. …Every time you swallow a medication that causes harmful side effects, you are embracing the lesser of two evils to prevent a greater one. If you attend Harvard or Yale, you choose to endure a nonstop gauntlet of far-left indoctrination, stifling political correctness and insane sexual anarchy, all to obtain an Ivy League education. If you’re a severe diabetic and your doctor says your foot has to be amputated to give you a better chance at survival, you choose the lesser of two evils. It’s tough, but you do it. The examples are endless and everywhere.” –Source
Yes, “they” as in “excuses” to vote for evil are literally everywhere now. But that doesn’t mean the Christians need to help immoral people gain office. Whether the Christian votes or not no longer matters as the evil candidate will win no matter what now. Therefore, the only reason the author of the article claims standing on moral ground is an act of “foolishness” is because he wants his party to win and claiming to be a Christian means he is appealing to the Christians to vote for Trump. But this same type of mindset moved Christians to vote for Bush who then orchestrated the deaths of thousands of Americans on 911 and even more later during his trumped up war on nonexistent WMD’s. (pun intended) Continue reading