Hawaii Lawyer: Trump Exec Order Violates 1st Amendment Because Honor Killings Are Islamic

GettyImages-683386718-640x480“In his arguments, Neal Katyal stated today that the collection of such data as outlined by the Executive Order 13780 contravenes the Establishment Clause, in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion… In doing so, Katyal appears to be making the case that honor killings — murder committed in the name of restoring a family’s dignity following discouraged behaviour within fundamentalist homes — is in itself Islamic.” –Source

And that’s how Satan uses Roman politics to assure the most evil things can be protected by the State and this includes the killing of innocent young girls who refuse to do as their crazed Islamic parents demand of them. As prophesied the love of many has waxed so cold that in years past killing one’s daughter would be next to impossible for a father to do. But in today’s world it is so common they need laws like this insane lawyer suggests to protect them. And eventually such laws will exist because it was prophesied and so it will happen. See my new and quickly growing Religious Laws ARE COMING page when you get time.  Continue reading

Trump, 501c3 Govt Preachers and Sunday Laws!

download (1)An executive order (EO) signed by President Donald J. Trump this morning could welcome more overt political activity by charities and churches. It also appears to open the door for more litigation against his administration. …The full EO was released this afternoon and what it actually does could be up for debate. The EO states that it will be the policy of the executive branch to “vigorously enforce federal law’s robust protections of religious freedom,” and will honor and enforce those protections. It goes on to state that the Treasury Secretary will ensure that the department does not take adverse action against any organization for “speaking about moral or political issues from a religious perspective, where speech of similar character has not ordinarily been treated as participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf or opposition to a candidate for office.” –Source

As was revealed and then shared back in July of 2016 in a video I made, Trump will never remove the prophesied 501c3 even though many preachers and pastors hoped and declared otherwise. Prophecy must be fulfilled and to remove that government contract now will prevent it from fulfillment. What he will do (as we saw yesterday) is change how that contract is written, or as the headline of the article I link out at the start of this blog entry said, Trump’s “Executive Order Relaxes Johnson Amendment Enforcement.” Since prophecy cannot be changed by the wicked desires of mankind, that contract had to stay intact, but as I stated last year, it must be rewritten so as to allow the preachers to keep their tax free status as well as preach political sermons. The truth as it was revealed in the prophetic Scripture of our Lord is rock hard fact and no matter how many false shepherds and wolves proclaim otherwise, it will happen!   Continue reading