And they say there’s no God?

news_1518071042498Now I know most Atheists are going to laugh about the video I have linked out here, but I am still going to post it with the hope that out of all of them that scoff, a few may come to their senses and realize that evidence like this proves there is a Creator God. Because the common sense question has to be, if there is no God, please explain who it was that gave the intelligence to this single living cell so it would do as it does in the inner ear of a Zebra fish?

Click here for the video

Yes, many will scoff even after seeing such a video because in today’s world Christianity has been so watered down by the false prophets and pastors the last 2000 years that the church no longer has the peculiar people they once had. The light of the Lord in God’s people has grown so dim that it is rare to hear about the sick being healed, demons being cast out and prayers being answered in every aspect of life. Worse yet, the sinful churchianity of the prosperity preachertainers of today has caused most Christians today to embrace sin like everyone else just as prophecy predicted they would. And as planned by the dying god of this world, the scoffers and Atheists base their strange theories on the fruits of those same lukewarm Christians so as to further wallow in doubt. Furthermore, because it’s the end of days, all these false Christians have no clue as to the prophetic Word of God that helps to ready a people for the coming of the Lord and so more and more souls never hear present truth, which means they too are cultivated into the camp of the nonbeliever.   Continue reading