YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, And Work With ADL

youtube-sorry-reuters-640x480“We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes. …We’ve started rolling out features from Jigsaw’s Redirect Method to YouTube. When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages. We also continue to amplify YouTube voices speaking out against hate and radicalization through our YouTube Creators for Change program.” –Source

You do realize what YouTube is saying here right? They are boldly declaring that if you’re a Christian, and when I say Christian I mean Bible believing obedient child of God who will not declare Allah is Godhomosexual marriage is ok or the Vatican is a Christian organization. That type of Christian will be censored on YouTube. But the truth is, they have already been censoring Christians for years. Ever notice how the amount of hits on my videos have gone down lately? Now I know 8500+ subscribers isn’t a lot, but as is also obvious, it’s not as often as it should be that we see over 1000 hits per video even though when I had next to no subscribers the hits were off the chart. Plus, when they censor the hits, they’re also preventing subscribers. And I am not going to buy subscribers as some have been caught doing in the past.   Continue reading

VIDEO: NFL Unleashes ‘Love Has No Labels’ Ad

Love_has_no_labels_cotw“The National Football League partnered with The Ad Council and R/GA to promote its “Love Has No Labels” campaign from the Pro Bowl in Orlando, FL. The ad shows the “kiss cam” from the January all-star game with various types of couples kissing. One of the women featured in the ad is a survivor of a shooting last year at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub.” –Source

The video starts off panning the crowd with a heart outline on the screen. You know, the infamous “kiss cam” wherein people are pressured to kiss on camera before millions of people. As students of prophecy, it wasn’t a hard call to declare this wouldn’t end well years ago when this began as the norm at most sporting events. In the early days, open signs of affection outside of holding hands or a gentle smile were forbidden as it was obvious where it would lead if left unchecked. And so here you have it. But no one cares now that all those “prudes” are dead and gone.   Continue reading

2nd Alabama judge under attack by SPLC

gavel-american-flag-600“A federal judge in Alabama has admitted that the First Amendment has been compromised by a demand from the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center to censor a state Supreme Court justice, but he’s not going to make a decision now, according to Liberty Counsel. So the non-profit legal group is filing an appeal on behalf of Justice Tom Parker’s challenge to a restriction on speech in the state’s judicial code and the state Constitution’s provision that automatically removes a judge from office based on nothing more than an unsubstantiated allegation. The case is just the latest in a war against conservative judges in the state by SPLC, which publicly slams as “haters” anyone who does not subscribe to its pro-homosexual and same-sex “marriage” agenda.” –Source

Ah yes.. another smoking gun. Now do you see why homosexuality became “normal” in society a few years ago (as students of prophecy expected) and homosexual marriage became normalized last year? It’s because they obviously got to the judges in the land who, like all the so called pastors that fear losing their tax free status, were childishly easy to sway away from their morals so as to keep their dollars well vested. But, as we see with this judge who had to moral foundation and courage to do the right thing, the Vatican’s long exposed homosexual agenda has been outed and so they will target any and all judges that speak out against it. And yes, thanks to the inept pastors and disobedient Christians who could not read the writing on the wall, many Roman Catholics were elected into public office allowing Rome’s tentacles (or talons) reach deep into the fabric of society.   Continue reading