Judges strike free speech for bakery owners

“Judge Declan Morgan and two other justices on the Court of Appeal in Belfast, Ireland, have struck down free speech for bakery owners there, ruling that they must put messages on their cakes even if the words violate their conscience and faith. The stunning ruling came in the long-running case involving Ashers Baker, which was penalized by the local Equality Commission for Northern Ireland after the bakery owners said they could not promote homosexuality on a cake demanded by a customer because it violated their faith. …The deputy director for public affairs at the institute, which fought the battle on behalf of the bakery owners and freedom of speech, said, “Equality laws are there to protect people from discrimination, not to force people to associate themselves with a cause they oppose. But those same laws have become a weapon in the hands of those who want to oppress anyone who dissents from the politically correct norms of the moment. The law needs to change before more damage is done.” –Source

But will it change? I doubt that very seriously as we saw the last 6000 years. Whenever someone went against the “norm” the Bible and historic record declared such people to be troublers, false prophets, haters, rebels and dissenters, who as Saul who later became Paul stated were worthy of either death or imprisonment before he came to the Lord. In Paul’s day, a worldly inspired religious zeal was the means by which Satan was able to persecute. Today we see many different ways to persecute Christians because in today’s world most sins are considered ok. But lately, and as I stated many years ago and quite recently in a Newsletter I penned in February of 2004, we now understand homosexuality is the current means by which Satan will fill his coffer with lost souls. Be it in absolute lust towards that end. to wolves on pulpits condoning same. And yes, as I illustrate in that Newsletter, since it is the man of sin in Rome that Satan uses, most nations will push these unjust laws knowing their political ‘god’ in Rome is behind them and so they have very little push back from the churches who are already in bed with Rome.   Continue reading