Justin Trudeau Violated Ethics Rules by Vacationing on Islamic Leader’s Private Island

GettyImages-860296754-640x480Ever wonder why when political officials or Hollywood celebrities with a political voice visit war torn areas of the world yet they never seem to be molested by the ones they keep claiming are our enemies? They are never prevented from going, never harassed while there or even injured in any way in what they claim is a literal war zone? Check this article outTrudeau who is actually a Roman Catholic was caught vacationing on the private island of an Islamic leader!

Now, even if you’re not a student of prophecy and only skimmed over the prophecies of the Bible out of curiosity one day and found how all the world will wonder after the beast and do his bidding in the end; then even you can see now as it was prophesied long ago that the leaders of the nations in these last days are all going to be working together for the same demonic cause of their political god in Rome that the Bible defines as the man of sin. Hence the reason they all bow to him in worship on camera. Trudeau had no fear going to a terrorist owned private island because they are partners in the same crime. And thanks to the Pope’s work with Islam, they are also partners in the same church.  Continue reading