Mask-less Woman Attacked – Next: Christians!

Watch the video I posted below; and as you watch it, think about how they’re treating this woman who doesn’t have a mask on. All that we’re seeing with the planned-demic is how easily it has been to get the majority of the people to act out of fear regardless of all the facts that the numbers have been changed by fake news to make it all look much worse than it was, (The CDC admitted faking the numbers early ondoctors have been censored for proving it’s better not to be locked down for in so doing makes our immune systems even weaker and much more vulnerable to viruses and the masks cannot possibly prevent viruses from spreading at all. There’s much more that I can share on this but if you want more info on all this, see some of my recent blog entries jam packed with well sourced links on all this. (See these too)

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Lock downs, compliance & Sunday laws

There are plans to make the population jump through all sorts of hoops in the coming days (and years) just so we can live a normal life that will later be adjusted slightly and easily implemented to enforce the mark as students of prophecy know. Yes, it’s all unconstitutional but it will happen and as prophesied they will change the constitution (or what’s left of it) to allow all of it. The fact we now have Harvard lawyers like Alan Dershowitz puffed up as scholars of constitutional law claiming “You Have NO RIGHT to NOT be Vaccinated” confirms their plans are a done deal.

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