Technology that lets us “speak” to our dead relatives has arrived. Are we ready?

Digital clones of the people we love could forever change how we grieve… This Mum and Dad live inside an app on my phone, as voice assistants constructed by the California-based company HereAfter AI and powered by more than four hours of conversations they each had with an interviewer about their lives and memories. (For the record, Mum isn’t that untidy.) The company’s goal is to let the living communicate with the dead. I wanted to test out what it might be like. Technology like this, which lets you “talk” to people who’ve died, has been a mainstay of science fiction for decades. It’s an idea that’s been peddled by charlatans and spiritualists for centuries. But now it’s becoming a reality—and an increasingly accessible one, thanks to advances in AI and voice technology.” – SOURCE.

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Season of the witch: Media cheer growth in occultism

magic“Witchcraft is becoming mainstream in America. “Wiccan witchcraft is now one of the fastest growing religions in the Hudson Valley,” reported News 12 Westchester in New York. A “third-degree Wiccan high priestess” was quoted as saying the religion is a “mysterious, feminist and nature-focused religion that rewards faith and patience with magic … capable of things like curing illnesses, getting a raise at work and helping people find love.” –Source

None of which happen thanks to the incantation of a witch at all. But the moment one of their deceived clients report back on a possible occurrence of good luck thanks to the witches spell, one can rest assured the witch will milk that single occurrence so as to catapult their effectiveness before their future clientele. And for those clients that have yet to have their bought and paid for “spells” work, a few more dollars will no doubt be the remedy the situation. Will it work to gain more people into their web of deceit? Sure it will! Don’t believe me? Ask how well it works for Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker and a host of other prosperity preachers that actually perform the same ritual before the people. The only difference being of course is that the witch is a tad more honest by not adding the name of Jesus into the cauldron.   Continue reading

Wicked within: U.S. plunges toward ‘occultism and demons’

satanic“Television shows featuring exorcisims as entertainment. Lucifer as a crime-fighting hero on television. Occult symbols used in music videos. References to demons seem to be everywhere in American culture. And the rise in occultism comes at a time when experts, including Catholic priests who specialize in the rite, claim exorcism is becoming more common.” –Source

First and foremost a Roman Catholic priest cannot exorcise any demons. The fact they invented the so called “exorcism” proves this hands down. What I mean is, when you look into the Word of God what do you see each and every time Jesus Christ cast out a demon? Do you see Jesus going to the person’s home dressed in black (the color of Satan, Hell & pain) with a Vatican approved contract for the parents to sign as well as a receipt booklet so as to give the parents a receipt each time they “pay” to have their child “exorcised” of the demon over the coming months and even years depending upon the wealth of the family and greed of the exorcist? No, whenever a person that was possessed by a demon got anywhere near to Jesus that person would be instantly freed of that demon! No money changed hands, no splashing of useless man-made holy water, no candles to fend of “negative” spirits, no burning of sage to help keep the demons away and certainly no prayers being repeated over and over and over again.   Continue reading