Tag: paganism
Pope: Paganism Is Biblical

A brother in the faith just sent me this video of the Pope and I just had to share it.
I am not going to risk a copyright strike by sharing it inside the video I made on this, but you need to see this video. The Pope actually says that the Bible’s meaning should not be distorted for personal interests.
The leaders in Roman Catholicism are no different than the leaders in corrupt governments. What I mean is, when a corrupt politician wants to hide his evil actions he will proclaim that people must never do what he’s actually doing so as to make it appear that he is not actually doing it because he’s demanding no one should do it.
Continue readingPope Says only He can Define Bible

One bold and obvious way for Popes and prelates to assume authority over God’s people is to make them believe that the God of creation cannot write a book His own children can understand; therefore only the Pope himself and those that echo his words are the only ones trusted with the understanding of God’s Word.
They actually teach this in their own Catechism books, and just so you know, they also declare this strange claim on the Vatican website itself which says for all to see that, “The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted soley to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him. -Catechism pf Catholic Doctrine Page 35 –Vatican Source
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