Asteroid hit Armageddon bull’s eye to wipe out the dinosaurs, scientists believe

09fa6226958ff6aaed84d9e90909e69fNew research suggests the relatively minor nine-mile wide asteroid — equivalent to a grain of sand hitting a bowling ball — smashed into a huge lode of sulphur-rich rock, subsequently plunging the planet into a global winter and pulverising numerous species. Scientists drilled a mile down into the 20-mile deep impact crater, located in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Yucatan peninsula, in a bid to further understand how the catastrophic end to the dinosaurs’ 150 million year reign on earth came to such an abrupt end 68 million years ago.” –Source

First and foremost it was prophesied that today’s scientists would be liars so as to help Rome’s final push towards global dominance and the mark. They will not only lie about certain scientific facts to hide the biblical truth that we were all created and not evolved from monkeys. They will do everything in their power to remove the thought of creation from all school books and so called “scientific” documents and even the more popular documentaries on television. Thanks to not only the knowledge of God’s Word increasing in the hearts of the obedient bride in these last days as the prophet Daniel predicted, we also have more reputable scientific evidence that confirms the planet is not flat, the granite shell was created in an instant, a great flood occurred wiping out all life including the dinosaurs that walked with man, and there is actually an ark with the exact same dimensions sitting on top Mount Ararat that has been photographed and recently videotaped showing the animals stalls inside the ark. (See links below)   Continue reading