Dealing with Scoffers

mockery_cerero-300x211As most of us that do the work of declaring present truth know; scoffers are everywhere just as prophesied. (See 2 Peter 3:3) And so I have often been asked the question, how do I deal with such people. And especially since going online and then on YouTube wherein scoffers abound. Well the answer is quite simple. I know the Bible I hold in my hand is trustworthy as are the historical records I have compiled over the years to back the prophesied facts that have actually been validated by billions hundreds and even thousands of years ago when first penned. However, Rome now has the power to change history books as anyone 50 years or older can attest to if they have kids in school right now. One glaring example has to be what they teach in the government schools today regarding American history. It simply doesn’t match up with reality. Take the founding of America for example. When I was just 10 years old the History books I had on hand stated people came to America to escape Roman Catholic persecution wherein loved ones were tortured and killed. But history books in my high school claimed they came to America to escape high taxes.  Continue reading