For those of you that may have missed all the hoopla that went down last Sabbath day wherein the originator of the most recent (and quite popular) false prophecy regarding September 23; (His name is David Meade) it appears that he has recanted and has actually declared he was wrong about his “calculations.” Which those that do true research know was all based on using Pharaoh’s Pagan horoscope theology that was designed to glorify him (Pharaoh) as a god. Continue reading
Tag: September 23
What will happen on September 23?
As some of you may be aware, there have been many false prophets looming about the last few weeks hoping to jump on a bandwagon that will allow them to “shine” with Satan (even though they think it will be Jesus Christ) on September 23, 2017. The main reason so many are doing this is because as also prophesied, most don’t read or even understand their Bibles today. Rampant disobedience has caused this kind of thing to be the norm in this generation. This is why people put much more stock in the lies of false prophets than what they read in their very own Bibles.
Case in point, the Lord Jesus Himself stated in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Yet we now know there are millions of people out there claiming to be Christians who believe that Jesus Christ will return on September 23! How has this come to happen when the Bible was so clear on setting dates? Continue reading
False prophets claiming 09-23-17 starts “7 year great tribulation”
“Blood Moons. A total solar eclipse traversing the country. A devastating hurricane. And next up, an astronomical sign seemingly straight out of the book of Revelation. Is God trying to say something? …Pastor Mark Biltz says he believes the startling convergence of events is a message from heaven. And he says arguably the most important sign will be a starry pattern in the sky on Sept. 23. …On that day, the sun will be in the constellation Virgo (known as the virgin). The moon will be below the “feet” of the constellation. Additionally, Venus, Mars and Mercury will be above the constellation. As the constellation Leo has nine stars and will also be above Virgo’s head, the alignment can be interpreted as a “crown” of 12 stars. …Biltz believes the upcoming sign on Sept. 23 is precisely what this passage (Revelation 12:1,2) is referring to.” –Source
I kind of figured I would have to post this sooner or later since I’ve gotten a phone call and more than one email on it lately but I never expected WND to post this folderol. But then, they do believe in a seven year tribulation, and that is par for the course for the disobedient among us. But the man in this WND article is now seen as a confirmed false prophet. And yes he is the one I exposed some time ago in my video about the blood red moons. Continue reading