Vaccines and Infant Death: 1-Year-Old Boy Died Three Days After Being Vaccinated

The ongoing conflict about vaccination and its health risk has been an ongoing controversy when it comes to infant and toddler healthcare. The said health risks range from autism to death.

On October 2015, at the age of one, Michael Whitesell received his MMR, hepatitis A, varicella and flu vaccines. Like any regular vaccination aftereffect, Michael had a high fever three days after their trip to the hospital. According to Vactruth, he was given Tylenol to soothe his fever, but he was found dead the following morning.  Continue reading…

epaVIDEO:  All government regulators are LIARS!

They lie to the public while protecting the profits of their corporate masters.

The FDA LIES about prescription drug safety to enrich the drug companies and keep dangerous, deadly drugs on the market for as long as possible.

See the histories of “Vioxx” and “Rezulin”.  Continue reading…

VIDEO: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

discovered-cancer-enzymes-in-vaccines-550x330“Neon Nettle has reported about medical scientists being murdered, the majority of which were stationed in Florida. These doctors had one thing in common: they have all discovered that vaccines were tampered with nagalase enzyme protein and then administered to humans. This enzyme prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s natural defense against cancer cells and autism. has confirmed that nagalese is a protein that’s being created by all cancer cells, as well as found in autistic kids in large quantities. That’s the secret “bonus” we’ve been getting in our vaccines!” –Source

There’s your smoking gun! Literally!

As I’ve been saying for decades, the AMA is nothing more than a profit driven machine and they will do whatever it takes to make money. And that includes murder. But then they have been killing millions of babies every year as well as helping the sick and elderly commit self-murder as well so, this is merely par for the course they’re on. The fact they were instrumental in getting laws passed that allow women to kill their very own babies confirmed that decades ago. But it’s so much worse now since then. This money making machine is so heartless that literally millions of people become addicts and even die from mistakes and even suicide due to the AMA’s drugs, and nary a politician will do anything about it because they know they can make millions keeping it all under the rug.  Source