“Prepare For A Zombie Apocalypse – CDC says” Prophecy News Updates – 3/12/21

Satan wanted to divert our mind from the truth and inculcate fear and doubt in our heart to prevent us from receiving eternal life. Notice the headlines below. Instead of heart preparation, people are to prepare for zombie apocalypse. Medical segregation is now being promoted for those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated. Those who refuse the vaccines will be branded as domestic terrorists. But the God’s remnant will be a terror to evil-doers wherever their character and doctrines were known. Satanists are now bold to defend their “religious right” to child sacrifice. Rome’s homosexual agenda is also supported by so-called Christian church. Sunday laws are going global while the Jesuit pope has another lie that a second great flood is possible due to global warming. We are nearing the end of time and we are to prepare the way for the second advent of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now is the time to work and walk closely to Him!

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“EU Bishops Call For Nations To Protect Work-free SUNday” Prophecy News Updates – 3/5/21

This week’s news headlines confirmed once again that our time to prepare is so short that we have to be real serious in our daily walk with God. The final warning in Revelation 14 is to be preached loudly by pen and voice. Synchronized Sunday rest is being called for in EU but we all know that the USA will be the leading nation who will enforce Sunday law first then all nations will follow. The Vatican is using the planned-demic to push climate change so as to enforce his mark and now as we speak they are planning to have a lockdown every two years to ‘save’ the planet even though the WEF admitted that that is not the case recently when they deleted it’s much-ridiculed tweet claiming that lockdowns “quietly improving cities”.

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“New Evidence Exposes Rome’s Abortion and Homosexual Agenda” Prophecy News Updates – 2/26/21

Christian prophecy is so accurate that the Vatican will promote and fund the homosexual agenda. We are really close to the end that as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be the norm in these last days. Luke 17:26-29. Truly, our Saviour is coming very soon because He says in Matthew 24:33 “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.”

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“VATICAN Decree: No Jab, Lose Job” Prophecy News Updates – 2/19/21

Whether you like it or not, you have no choice but to get the jabs or else lose your job in Vatican. Sounds intimidating, huh! But as a student of prophecy, we know that soon a Sunday “decree” will be enforced and those who refused to abide will have no ability to buy and sell. But no fear for God’s remnant people since they were promised provision their bread and water will be sure – Isaiah 33:16!

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“Will Life Return To Normal In 7 Years?” Prophecy News Updates – 2/12/21

We all know that the Vatican has set his time frame to enforce the mark through climate change in 7 years. Are we really going to believe that life will be back to normal because of this planned-demic? Biblical prophecy is so accurate that this earth will fade away, cursed, and burned not because of Rome’s invented global warming but because men “have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.” Isaiah 24:5-6

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