FYI: Bill Gates of hell: Windows 10 hijacking computers

microsoft“Microsoft has turned “nasty” in its campaign to coerce hundreds of millions of customers to upgrade to its Windows 10 operating system, a program critics condemn as privacy-invading, data-swiping and “brimming with freemium services and ads.” Microsoft has been trying to lure computer users into its new operating system for months, bombarding them with unending pop-up screens. But many users are comfortable with the systems they have, have no interest in learning new operations and have simply clicked the “X” to get rid of the unwanted solicitation. You can’t do that anymore. Microsoft changed the coding on the “X” so that clicking it now instructs MS to “upgrade” your computer to Windows 10. Yes, really. In fact, the two options on the page, “OK” and “Upgrade Now,” do the same thing as the “X.” –Source

Finally, a somewhat mainstream article exposing Microsoft for unethical practices that everyone using Windows 7, 8 or even 10 need to know about. Yes, many PC mags touched on this already months ago. But not many people read or speak geek. And so I am glad this article came out using laymen’s terms so as to shine a light on something most people running the new Windows 10 operating system had no clue about.  Continue reading…