Ellen White predicted demons would be OPENLY worshiped



When it came to the early manifestations of demonic activity in the way of mysterious rappings during seances in America, we see this declared by sister White back in 1882.

“I saw that soon it would be considered blasphemy to speak against the rapping, and that it would spread more and more, that Satan’s power would increase, and some of his devoted followers would have power to work miracles, and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of men. I was shown that by the rapping and mesmerism, these modern magicians would yet account for all the miracles wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that many would believe that all the mighty works of the Son of God when on earth were accomplished by this same power.” –Early Writings page 59.1 (1882)

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Pope wants all to worship creature over Creator

gettyimages-902574852-50_custom-e5a54cc57f086167929ef7639e8dc32b211a698d-s800-c85The following is everything the Pope claims will make for a better 2018 in his newest dissertation to the world. To summarize he stated in the article: “Stop the anti-migration rhetoric – Give thanks to countries that have taken in refugees – End the war in Syria  – Invest in medicines and treatments that are not always profitable  – Beware of robots taking away jobs – Close the gap between the rich and poor and End child labor.” –Source

Now some may say those are noble causes, and some are and some are purely political. But the reason I am pointing this out is that this man who claims to be a Christian who not only leads 1.2 billion Catholics, he is also considered the leader of over a billion Protestants since June 26, 2000 when he was placed as the leader of the one world church of which all churches are members; expect of course the prophesied obedient remnant people Continue reading