Back in August 2024, the pope said that turning away migrants is a grave sin and urged that immigration laws should not be made stricter but rather looser. In August 2017, he made it clear that he believed the safety of both legal and illegal migrants should override national security concerns.
Continue readingThe Warning Voice of God
Did you catch the news about the apocalyptic fires in Los Angeles? And then there was that earthquake in Tibet that sadly took the lives of at least 126 people. Not to mention the catastrophic flood in Saudi Arabia and the winter storm that really hit hard across much of the US. Oh, and let’s not forget the volcanic eruption threats coming up in 2025, the tragic plane crash in South Korea, and that new virus outbreak in China. It’s just a lot happening all over the world, isn’t it? What do these calamities actually mean?
Continue readingVIDEO: Catholic altar boys cleaned up dropped “holy body and blood of Jesus”
When the Catholic “host” was dropped, altar servers reverently kneeled to clean and gather the particles, then kissed the floor afterward. Watch:
Continue readingPope Opens Vatican Door to Grant Absolution from Sins for 2025
On December 24, 2024, the pope opened the Vatican’s Holy Door on St. Peter’s Basilica. The news report says that “This will mark the start of the 2025 Jubilee, a year of forgiveness, reconciliation, and spiritual renewal. Catholics who confess their sins during this time receive absolution, freeing them from eternal or spiritual punishment.”
Continue readingSunday is NOT the Day of Rest in the Bible
The Bible NEVER say that SUNday is the day of rest in the Bible! Unfortunately, this website promotes the Vatican’s dogma, which gave 12 reasons why you should make it your day of rest, while ironically citing “God’s example of resting on the seventh day in Genesis.”
Continue readingVIDEO: Even dementia cannot take Jesus away!
You read it right. Even a person with dementia remembered only Jesus. Watch:
Continue readingSUNday worship is never for Christians
A religious news headline on November 24, 2024, stated that “The significance of Sunday worship for Christians.” It goes on to say that “The tradition of Sunday worship finds its origins in the Bible and early Christian practices. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, an event celebrated as the Resurrection. This made Sunday, often referred to as the “Lord’s Day,” a sacred occasion for Christians to gather and commemorate the foundation of their faith.”
Continue reading“Jesus Is God” Inscription discovered in Israel
Praise the Lord, for we are vindicated not only by our faith in the unerring word of God that Jesus is God, but also by this amazing discovery! Check out this great news:
Continue readingAdventist-Catholic in a shifting World—SDA Apostasy
The SDA apostasy continues, as prophesied. “The evolving relationship between Adventists and Catholics… was candid and hopeful” during the event discussion held at Norte Vista High according to the Spectrum Magazine news reported on October 12, 2024 which were addressed by a distinguised Adventist theologian, Dr. Reinder Bruinsma, together with a featured respondent Father Ibe Ukoma, who is a Roman Catholic priest.
Continue readingAnnouncement: New poGm Forum is Live!
Do you have any in-depth Bible questions about anything from Bible doctrines to end-time prophecy?
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