Lawyers say Minnesota archdiocese hiding $1 billion in assets

Twin Cities ArchbishopST. PAUL, Minn. — Attorneys on Tuesday accused a Minnesota archdiocese of sheltering more than $1 billion in assets to avoid big payouts to abuse survivors as part of the church’s bankruptcy case.

They say the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has some $1.7 billion in assets — far more than the $49 million it lists in a filing this week. In court papers, they accuse the archdiocese of vastly undervaluing assets such as the St. Paul Cathedral and tucking money away in other corporations to shield it from creditors.  Continue reading…

Belgian police clash with anti-austerity protesters at 60,000-strong rally in Brussels

belgiumBelgian riot police deployed water cannons to disperse a major anti-austerity demonstration attended by tens of thousands of people in central Brussels. At least two policemen and several protesters have been injured.

Brussels’ main commissioner Pierre Vandersmissen was among the injured along with another policeman, local media reports citing Brussels police department.  Continue reading…

Pope lays out aggressive vision for UN summit

Vatican Pope Humanitarian SummitROME — Addressing a first-ever World Humanitarian Summit in Turkey on Monday, Pope Francis laid out an aggressive vision for global action, insisting that the “gods” of money and power must not deafen the world to “the cry of the victims and those suffering.”

In a message to the U.N.-sponsored event, the pontiff ticked off several urgent challenges.

“There must be no family without a home,” Francis said, “no refugee without a welcome, no person without dignity, no wounded person without care, no child without a childhood, no young man or woman without a future, no elderly person without a dignified old age.”  Continue reading…

Half a million flee as Cyclone Roanu hits Bangladesh

665003303001_4905345490001_4905104971001-vsCyclone Roanu battered the coast of southern Bangladesh on Saturday, forcing half a million people to flee their homes and leaving 23 people dead in floods and rain-triggered landslides.

Authorities in low-lying Bangladesh took more than 500,000 people into shelters as the cyclone made landfall just after midday local time (0600 GMT), packing winds as strong as 88km per hour.  Continue reading…

Pope in historic talks with Grand Imam of Al-Azh

e2eaf55139b14d6f9d459741b54dc7dd_18“Pope Francis has met the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar Mosque at the Vatican in a historic encounter that was sealed with a hugely symbolic hug and exchange of kisses. The first Vatican meeting on Monday between the leader of the world’s Catholics and the highest authority in Sunni Islam marks the culmination of a significant improvement in relations between the two faiths since Francis took office in 2013. …Ties were badly soured when the now-retired Benedict made a September 2006 speech in which he was perceived to have linked Islam to violence, sparking deadly protests in several countries and reprisal attacks on Christians.”

One has to realize the craftiness of the beast to really appreciate what’s going on here. Benedict, as evil as he was as pope, was not the catalyst that brought the Muslims to anger that caused them to start killing Christians en masse. If it was, the killings would have begun at his remarks in 2006 wherein he said the (so called) prophet Muhammad’s teachings were “evil and inhuman.”  Continue reading…

Journalist’s admission a step to legitimizing pedophilia

42bc60e8257d04eef8b8a2959f508cb5“About a month ago, I wrote a column detailing a prediction that in its ongoing efforts to debase society, the political left would soon see fit to begin legitimizing pedophilia. To this end, pedophiles would form activist groups as the North American Man-Boy Love Association did in the 1970s and 1980s – but this time, they would have prominent, deep-pocketed supporters. Those who believe that child molesters should be fed into the handiest wood-chipper will be characterized as bigots by snarling liberals – just as occurred when citizens tried to prevent other sexual deviants from running roughshod over individual liberties. In my commentary, I maintained that just as the “rights” of transgendered people came to supersede the privacy rights and safety of our women and children, the “rights” of people who include sex acts with children among their lifestyle choices (which a panel of scrawny, pony-tailed university professors will declare are hardwired into their DNA and therefore “normal”) will supersede the rights of all American children to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” –Source

As nice as it is to see a secular journalist reporting on something students of prophecy have been predicting for just over two decades; it’s still not an easy thing to witness in today’s world because now, innocent little children are targeted by our political and church leaders. The lusts of the flesh have grown so far into perversion that they are actually passing laws legalizing sin in its most vile format. I can honestly see how and why Lot was so vexed by living among homosexuals back then. Continue reading…

Analysis: Scientists agree GMOs are safe, but unlikely to convince skeptics quickly

gmo-monsanto-protest-torontoEarlier this week, the National Academy of Sciences — a science group founded by the U.S. Congress— issued its latest report on genetically engineered crops.

The report concludes that GMOs, genetically modified organisms, are safe to eat.

But even before it came out, the report and the NAS were criticized by Food & Water Watch, a consumer rights group. It accused some members of the committee that prepared the report of receiving research funding from biotech companies, or having other ties to the industry.  Continue reading…