Hidden Microphones Exposed As Part of Government Surveillance Program In The Bay Area

secretrecordingVIDEO:  OAKLAND (CBS SF) — Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government surveillance program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

Imagine standing at a bus stop, talking to your friend and having your conversation recorded without you knowing.  It happens all the time, and the FBI doesn’t even need a warrant to do it.

Federal agents are planting microphones to secretly record conversations.

Jeff Harp, a KPIX 5 security analyst and former FBI special agent said, “They put microphones under rocks, they put microphones in trees, they plant microphones in equipment. I mean, there’s microphones that are planted in places that people don’t think about, because that’s the intent!”  Source

Philippine president-elect Duterte vows to kill criminals

4ddf6f7ff6e0eb39b3ff052e685f8b172f337b7e-cfPhilippines’ president-elect Rodrigo Duterte vowed Sunday to reintroduce capital punishment and give security forces “shoot-to-kill” orders in a devastating war on crime.

In his first press conference since winning the May 9 elections in a landslide, the tough-talking mayor of southern Davao city warned his campaign threats to kill were not rhetoric.

“What I will do is urge Congress to restore (the) death penalty by hanging,” Duterte, 71, told a press conference in Davao.

He also said he would give security forces “shoot-to-kill” orders against organised criminals or those who violently resisted arrest.  Source

Obama gives ‘very powerful’ gift to abortion industry

baby-feetOne of the leading pro-life organizations is fighting back against the Obama administration’s approval for expanded use of the controversial abortion drug combination known as RU-486, calling the government’s decision harmful for women and babies and nothing but a political “thank you” from Obama to his allies in the abortion industry.

The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, which recently clamped down on e-cigarettes and some tobacco products to protect the health of children, is allowing women seeking abortions to take the RU-486 regimen until the 10th week of pregnancy. Previously, the limit was seven weeks.  Source

Christian students excluded from contest not backing down

011212cash“Students from a small Christian high school in Oregon traveled to Washington, D.C., this week to meet with members of Congress and ask them to work to protect their religious rights after they were excluded from a national stock-market competition – a competition their school team had won the last two years. …The challenge is a competition in which students start with a hypothetical equity in the stock market, pick stocks to buy and sell, and tally their results according to the real results on Wall Street. Canyonville’s team won the national competition both in 2014 and 2015. …Shaffer, the team’s coach, told WND he would like SIFMA to explain why “they would want to exclude the dominant team over the past years.” “You’re trying to educate kids, promote stock market ideas, among high schools. Why would you throw out the school that has actually excelled at it?” –Source

As much as I disapprove of gambling in any form and this includes gambling in the stock market. The one asking the questions actually answered their own question. The reason the Government agency chose to exclude the one school that won the competition two years running is because they excelled at it.

If living in these last days has taught the willingly blind anything it’s that Christians have been openly targeted by the media, society and government simply because they’re Christians. Prophecy said it would be this way and so it is. As the willingly blind can also see is that the preferred choice of religion for the masses is either evolution or out and out Satanism. Both of which can grant them the thought process that says there is no God in Heaven. But when it comes to the government, the one and only choice of religion is whatever the Vatican dictates. And at present, their main foster child is in fact Islam.  Source

Germany Teaching Refugees to Have Sex Right Away

zanzuThe German government has created a website dedicated to teaching the influx of Middle Eastern immigrants about sex — literally and figuratively, reports say.

Germany’s Federal Center for Health Education’s $136,000 site uses graphic diagrams and images to outline everything from first-time sex to how to perform far more advanced sexual acts — and even how to behave respectfully with gays and lesbians, the Washington Post reports.   Source

GOP Lawmaker: Transgender People Have ‘Mental Disorder’

70cb28c6-0a29-48d4-9f68-a54c27243e9dA Tennessee state lawmaker says transgender individuals suffer from a “mental disorder” and the Obama administration is force-feeding the nation into allowing them to use whichever bathroom they wish.

Republican Rep. Susan Lynn — who wants schools to make students to use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex on their birth certificates — wrote on her Facebook page on Friday:

“Transgenderism is a mental disorder called gender identity disorder — no one should be forced to entertain another’s mental disorder and it is not healthy for the individual with the disorder …

“We can and we will legislatively protect children from hormone abuse — a directive has no impact on that issue only the Orwellian redefinition of sex would do that.”  Source

Transgender Mental Illness Classification Axed In Denmark — First Nation To Spite The World Health Organization’s Slow Progress

Pride In LondonBeing transgender will no longer be equated with mental illness in Denmark, according to government officials who say they will remove the “stigmatizing” label.

Danish politicians said that they had “run out of patience” with waiting for the World Health Organization (WHO) to take the same steps, in the meantime leaving transgender people globally classified as mentally ill. Unless the WHO acts now, Denmark will be going through with the change on the first day of 2017.  Souce

TAG type 2 diabetes, Diabetes, melatonin, Insulin, Sleep, Sleep disorder Study Reveals Why Working Overnight Can Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk

working-overnightPeople who have sleep disorders and those who often work overnight are known to be at increased risk for type 2 diabetes.

Now, a new study conducted by researchers in Sweden sheds light on the link between melatonin and the disease, which could explain why type 2 diabetes tends to be more prevalent in people who lack sleep at night.

Melatonin plays a key role in regulating circadian rhythm. The amount of this naturally occurring hormone is influenced by light.

When it is dark, melatonin level increases which is why it peaks at night earning it the moniker “hormone of darkness.” It is also for this reason that it is used as a drug for sleeping.  Source

Woman, 29, dies after procedure at South Florida plastic surgery clinic

surgery14n-1-webA 29-year-old woman who traveled to South Florida for cosmetic surgery died after her procedure Thursday afternoon, police said.

Heather Meadows, a mother of two from West Virginia, suffered medical complications at Encore Plastic Surgery in Miami-Dade County, Hialeah policetold the Miami Herald. Medical staff at a nearby hospital later pronounced her dead.

State health officials said the licensed clinic has no active complaints. Yet the newspaper linked Encore to an active medical malpractice case and a 2013 death at another Hialeah clinic following a buttocks augmentation.  Source

Methodists not alone facing LGBT split

1005710142-oh-col-mt-religiVIDEO:  In a divide over LGBT issues that’s been called painful and destructive, some have started to lose hope that a Protestant denomination that claims “united” in its very name will remain that way.

Across the United Methodist Church, there’s a lack of faith that common ground will be found, and it comes from both sides of the aisle — from those who advocate for same-sex marriage and the ordination of openly gay clergy, and from those who are adamant that such actions fly in the face of the Scripture.

The United Methodist Church will continue its decades-old debate at its General Conference in Portland, Oregon, this week, but it’s far from the first group to struggle to navigate this massive chasm.

LGBT issues led to a split in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in 2009 and have caused dozens of congregations to break from the U.S. Episcopal Church since 2003. Some congregations have left the Southern Baptist Convention over the debate, and member-led groups have formed in an effort to advocate change in the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The most vocal conflicts have come in mainline Protestant denominations, which include the Methodist Church, because they are willing to discuss the matter, said Don Huber, professor emeritus of church history at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Bexley.  Source