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VIDEO: Pope Francis will receive Charlemagne Prize for being Europe’s voice of conscience

Pope Francis Holds Weekly AudienceThere were no comments posted with this video. –Source

This is the ultimate out and out farce, but thanks to the controlled media, most have no clue as to what’s actually happening here. This man represents all that is wrong and all that is evil in this world. Worse yet, he represents just how evil mankind can become. What I mean by that is, he is a bloodthirsty Roman Catholic Jesuit priest standing in the most powerful political office on the planet. His office represents the most gruesome and torturous murders of hundreds of millions of Christians during the Vatican inquisitions during the prophesied 1260 years from 538AD to 1798AD just as the prophet Daniel and then the apostle and prophet John declared. And to this day the Vatican is still killing Christians to the tune of 1 martyred every 2 minutes on this planet under the long expected disguise of Islam and still, billions of people (as expected) think this man of sin is holy and the reason for peace on earth? Worse yet, he is now declared as the “conscience of Europe” no less!  Source

More Muslims practising stricter Islam

muslim-1PETALING JAYA: Islamic Renaissance Front Director Farouk Musa has urged the government to open doors for dialogue between Muslim conservatives, moderates and a third group he called “revisionists”.

“If there is no dialogue between these groups, we might eventually fall into practising the stricter version of Islam in politics and economics,” Farouk said in an interview with FMT.

He defines conservative Muslims as those who believe their life is predetermined and are therefore not keen to participate in economic competition. The revisionists, he said, were those wanting to follow an unreasonably strict Islamic code.  Source

Russia threatens to make Romania ‘smoking ruins’

nuclear_bombRussian officials in a report on Thursday speculated that a nuclear war could leave Romania a “smoking ruins” just as Britain said it intercepted several Russian transports that refused to identify themselves as they approached the Baltic States.

The amped up talk of death and destruction could, analysts warn, return the world to the hair-trigger tensions that shadowed America and the Soviet Union both in the years before President Ronald Reagan demands of Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.”  Source

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

mchugh175x175_1Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

All such people, he explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute,  “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”  Source

Denied Breaks, U.S. Poultry Workers Wear Diapers on the Job


  • `They are in danger of serious health problems,’ report says
  • Tyson says it doesn’t tolerate refusal of restroom requests

Workers in plants run by the largest U.S. poultry producers are regularly being denied bathroom breaks and as a result some are reduced to wearing diapers while working on the processing line, Oxfam America said in a report Wednesday.

“It’s not just their dignity that suffers: they are in danger of serious health problems,” said Oxfam America, the U.S. arm of the U.K.-based global development group. The group works for a “just world without poverty” and focuses on topics ranging from refugees in Greece to malnutrition.  Source

Legalizing Sexual Child Abuse: Pedophilia Now Classified As A Sexual Orientation

082411_pedophilia_0-680x365People can classify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, metrosexual. There are endless sexual orientations under the sun, and now, pedophilia can be added to the list.

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality.  Source

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

high-school-students-take-the-first-test-session-of-the-2015-baccalaureate-getty-640x480A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reportsSource

Over 130 earthquakes detected below Mount St. Helens as magma rises

mount-st-helens-volcano-washington-984x500Since mid-March, there have been a swarm of earthquakes under Mount St. Helens in Washington State, suggesting that the active stratovolcano is now recharging with magma.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), over 130 vertical earthquakes ranging from low magnitudes 0.5 to 1.3 have been detected two to seven kilometres beneath the volcano’s crater. There are about 40 earthquakes at the volcano per week, and the occurrences are increasingly becoming more frequent.

“The magma chamber is likely imparting its own stresses on the crust around and above it, as the system slowly recharges,” reads a release by the USGS. “The stress drives fluids through cracks, producing the small quakes.”  Source

FRESNO Weeping Virgin Mary statue is being called a miracle

A statue of the Virgin Mary in Fresno, California appears to be weeping. The family who owns the statue calls it a miracle and said it’s been happening for a while.

To the faithful, Maria Cardenas said the statue of the Virgin Mary is a blessing. Tears seem to well up in her right eye and stream down her face to her chin.

Cardenas said it’s beautiful the way she looks right now. Every tear, she said, is nothing short of a miracle. So she collects them in a glass and shares them with those who find their way to this home.

A lot of people come and they can’t believe it, she said, but they come with faith.  Source

Anne Graham Lotz Ready to Vote for Trump, Says He Can Change Like Biblical King Nebuchadnezzar

anne-graham-lotzAnne Graham Lotz, the daughter of famous evangelist Billy Graham, says she is ready to vote for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump at the November elections, expressing hope that he can change and become a man of God like King Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible.

“The Democratic Party has so come against God in some of their major issues, that I’m not sure I can vote for the Democratic platform. But whoever is on the Republican side, I will vote for and pray for whoever that is,” Lotz said in an interview with Fox News, published on Monday.  Source