Father-Arturo-Sosa-jesuit-superior-society-of-jesus-getty-640x480“The new superior of the worldwide Jesuit religious order said recently that, as Jesus Christ’s words about marriage were never recorded, there is no basis for a “black and white” church doctrine centering on lifelong marriage between one man and one woman. In a recent interview with Vatican journalist Giuseppe Rusconi of the Italian Catholic blog Rossoporpora, Father Arturo Sosa Abascal states that Jesus’s words about marriage must be “contextualized” and “discerned.” “Human reality is much more nuanced” and “never black and white,” said Abascal, who was elected superior of the Society of Jesus in October.” –Source

As is obvious, birds of a feather certainly do flock together. Jesuit Pope Francis and this so called Jesuit “Superior” are on the same page when it comes to lying about Jesus and His clear and undisputed (among true Christians) written will when it comes to marriage. I am not going to get in a long drawn out Bible study confirming what the Lord revealed to David and his son Salomon when it came to polygamy and how it destroys both the man and the society he hails from, and I see no need to repeat what I said in my Polygamy videos, but it is as I have said for quite some time now. The prelates of Rome, being 98% homosexual, needed to first normalize homosexuality and then polygamy, bestiality and even necromancy if they ever had the chance to normalize their now globally known favored pastime of child molestation.  

As this ministry has declared for years after Rome’s homosexual agenda was made public, it became obvious it was all about protecting the child predator priests from prosecution. Society, as sick and corrupted it is in these last days, still isn’t ready to allow Roman Catholic priests the go ahead to rape young boys. Even though most Catholic families do just that by turning a blind eye to their child’s pleas for help.

Look around and you will see the media, Hollywood, all the churches and most courts are now allowing such things like polygamy to flourish knowing that in so doing the decadent euphoric society they clamor after (as was prophesied) will come to fruition in the way they hope so as to have a world-wide orgy of sin in every manner imaginable. But like all bad things they must be introduced step by step. This is why we saw what we saw. They actually did exactly as we predicted. The fact this Jesuit is now speaking from the “moral authority” as the Pope claims his church to be regarding polygamy means they know society has already accepted the perversion by their lack of remorse towards the main stream decadence and Hollywood promotion of same. And so now it’s the church’s turn to step up and place their seal of approval on it.

Just as the Pentecostals and the Pope ignored the 94 other points in Martin Luther’s 95 thesis to claim the “protest is over” they are doing the same through this Jesuit by claiming Jesus never said anything about marriage. But anyone with a Bible nearby (and today that’s not too many people) they know that it says in 1 Timothy 3:2, “A bishop (pastor) then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;”

That being said, this blasphemous Jesuit “Superior” is openly declaring both Jesus and the Apostle Paul to be liars. For we as Christians know the Apostles were moved by Jesus Himself when penning the Gospels and Epistles. That means when Paul penned those words it was actually the Holy Spirit of Christ that moved him to record them in Scripture. In other words, Jesus said PLENTY about marriage from the Old Testament to the New. Therefore, the long understood mindset of Bible students the world over is now confirmed via a this saith the Lord that Popes and prelates of Rome simply do not read Bibles. In fact, as we can see by Catholic dogma alone, the only reason they open the Bible is to #1, twist the doctrines out of context so as to create their Catholic dogma, and #2, they open it so as to find way to belittle it because as we also know that every Roman Catholic prelate, from the Popes on down are card carrying Satanists. Even the architects of the Vatican buildings are Satanists!

And just so you know, it’s about to get even more graphic as I am presently working on a video that shows how Catholic dogma, rituals, items of worship and even their choice of clothing is an exact match with the so called priests in the church of Satan. This is not an easy video to research as it leads to all sorts of very evil pictures and so I don’t work on it often due to its demonic nature. I pray each and every time I go to work on it. Praise the Lord I don’t have to go to any of the websites to find this garbage as I can usually just use any search engine to find the pics for me. Thanks to my past life of many decades ago of one that dabbled in such things, I don’t need to visit any of the sites to verify anything as I know what I’m looking at. I will still however ask for your prayers that the Lord keeps His hedge of angels about me as to do this work. People need to know that the Vatican truly is the vat of sin it was prophesied to be. Perhaps some will leave Babylon when they see how their church leaders are in fact priests in the church of Satan who were called by their dying god to infiltrate Christianity to cause it to fall. Praise God they can never win as there will always be the elect and soon there will be that Gideon band that angers their aging god even more. And best of all, Jesus Christ is soon to come and when He does Beelzebub will finally live up to the true definition of his given name. The god of the dung! MARANATHA!

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