BBA7PdR“A controversial federal judge thinks firing squads and guillotines should come back in style as the debate over executions in Arkansas rages on. Ninth Circuit Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski, in an interview with CBS News’ “60 Minutes” set to air Sunday, said conducting lethal injections is a sham that masks that fact that people are getting killed. …When interviewer Lesley Stahl mentions that Kozinski favors death by firing squad, the longtime justice quips: “Never fails.” Then she brings up his support of the guillotine — a late-18th century device that chops off the head. “Well, you know, it’s 100% effective,” Kozinski said of the device made famous for beheading aristocrats during the French Revolution. “And it leaves no doubt that what we are doing is a violent thing. If we as a society are willing to take away human life, we should be willing to watch it.” –Source

On my site I have a page that goes into detail about the 30,000+ guillotines in American storage. I also did a radio broadcast on this years ago when I had a show on a Network Radio station that had a few AM, FM, Shortwave and Internet radio outlets that somehow ended up on YouTube after some people made videos on it. I actually posted all the info I had on this early on when I first started the website and a friend alerted me it appeared to be bogus and so I pulled the info but never deleted it so as to verify my sources. I eventually found my friend was wrong. So years later I reposted the info about how the State of Georgia legalized the use of guillotines for death row inmates. There was a deceptive twist in the reasoning behind the passage of the Bill that later became law that was never mentioned in the law itself. They lied to the public on two counts to gain public approval for the use of the guillotine so as to (in my opinion) hide the Bible prophecy about Christians being beheaded for refusing the mark of the beast.  

And the lies were?

#1, They stated in the public draft of the Bill (and I show the Bill on the aforementioned page) that inmates wanting to donate organs could be killed by guillotine so as to prevent lethal injection or electrocution from destroying organs. Yet not a single prisoner has ever requested the guillotine since. (The Bill was presented in 1995)

#2, Somehow a video of a man being electrocuted was released to the public so as to cultivate a public uproar and make it possible to begin talking points on the use of the guillotine in the public sector. First and foremost, they never videotaped executions in Georgia before that date and secondly, it was made apparent the man being executed was allowed to be tortured on camera to make his death appear much more violent. They purposely failed to add water to the sponge that would make the electrical connection to his head. The end result was a very violent death that lasted quite long and the man’s head literally ignited. And no I never posted that video on the site for obvious reasons.

Then, if you recall I did a video back in December of 2014 wherein it was broadcast live on prime

time TV the suggestion that “pay-per view executions” could be money makers. And I only mention that video now because of what the judge in this article said about allowing the public to “watch” executions. But I don’t think that would ever have been allowed to air had it not been for the government usage of guillotines being written into the affordable care act (Obamacare) of Obama almost exactly 12 months earlier. And yes, I did a video about that as well.

And now we have a sex crazed judge, who has a problem with bestiality offering his approval for the use of the guillotine. And the only reason I can see for him to bring up the use of a firing squad as well was to pull the onus off the guillotine. Had he only mentioned the guillotine on its own he would come off to many Christians as a prophetic fulfillment in regards to the beheading connected to the mark of the beast. (See Revelation 20:4) So adding a firing squad to the mix allows him to hide the real reason for the guillotine by making it appear like any other means of execution that has been used in the past as a viable option for today.

That all being said, I have to wonder how many Christians out there are still riding the fence on all this. Sunday laws are being pushed all over the planet (see proof here) to the point the Jews are now keeping Sunday holy, (see proof here) and the Popes of Rome have admitted more than once in writing that their MARK is in fact the Sunday Sabbath, (see proof here) and now we see more and more talk about televised executions (see proof here) to keep the people fearful of big government and the use of guillotines. So why on earth do some Christians still think it’s ok to continue waiting on getting your house ready to meet the coming Lord Jesus Christ? It’s because they are those that will eventually receive the mark of the beast who are those that will weep and gnash their teeth when the Lord does His “strange act” (see Isaiah 28:21) at the end of the 1000 years. (click here for the real truth about those 1000 years)

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