Hillary Clinton’s Pastor Compared Her 2016 Election Loss to Jesus’s Death

hillaryclinton97Hillary Clinton’s pastor compared her defeat to President Trump in the 2016 election to Jesus Christ’s death.

 “You, our nation, our world, is experiencing a black Friday,” Rev. Bill Shillady wrote to Clinton one day after her loss. “Our hope is that Sunday is coming. But it might well be hell for a while.”

He also said “life is filled with a lot of Fridays” and Good Friday “represented the day that everything fell apart.”

“Today, you are experience a Friday. Your Friday is what happened in the last few weeks and last night in the tragic loss. But Sunday is coming!” he continued.   Continue reading

Pope Orders Belgian Catholic Charity To Stop Euthanizing People

1502142043818“Pope Francis has ordered a Catholic charity in Belgium to cease euthanizations of mentally ill patients in their psychiatric centers by the end of August, or face excommunication. …To use euthanasia as a kind of ultimate therapy would be utterly unworthy of us,” Stockman said of his order. “It would be as if we were helping a patient who is on the verge of the abyss to take the leap of death, by giving him a little push. As far as I know, this is the very first time a Christian organization has classed euthanasia as ordinary medical practice.” –Source

First and foremost, we have ample amounts of Scripture as well as historic and even modern day evidence that the Popes of Rome are not Christians and the religion called Roman Catholicism is not a Christian religion. In fact, according to every Bible on the planet they are defined as a cult. So for the article to claim “this is the very first time a Christian organization has classed euthanasia as ordinary medical practice” is no different than Westboro Baptists who use hate to spread their version of Christianity. Satan knows what he’s doing here when he uses the most wicked church leaders to declare themselves Christian so as to assure Christianity gets a very bad name. In so doing this moves many into seeking their spiritual fulfillments in his many other demonic religions. And no, I am not saying the Roman Catholic people are evil. The Lord winks at their ignorance just as much as He does ours. The majority of Catholics have no clue their Vatican prelates are devil worshipers who have been prophesied to be those that try to destroy Christianity by claiming to be Christians while declaring Pagan dogma to be that of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Continue reading

Evangelical Trump supporters want meeting with Pope Francis

1502142043818Evangelical supporters of President Donald Trump on Monday requested a meeting with Pope Francis over a recent critical article in a Vatican-vetted journal.

Johnnie Moore, a leader of Trump’s evangelical advisory board and a spokesman for some of its members, said he sent the request to Rome in response to an article published last month that accused some American Catholics of building an alliance of “hate” with evangelicals who backed the president.   Continue reading

Preschool teachers cause children to be heterosexual

preschool-teacher-children-kinder.Tyler_Olson.shutterstock-560x367Why not suggest you can play house with two moms?

A recent research paper suggests that preschool teachers are the reason most people identify as heterosexual.

“Reproducing (and Disrupting) Heteronormativity: Gendered Sexual Socialization in Preschool Classrooms,” published last month in the journal Sociology of Education, is based a sociology researcher’s observations of nine different preschool classrooms over the course of 10 months.   Continue reading

First time in millennia, Jewish priests will undergo training to enter temple’s holy of holies

high-priestFor the first time in 2,000 years, a group of Kohanim (men of the Jewish priestly caste) living close to Jerusalem’s Old City are studying the relevant Jewish laws to be able to ascend the Temple Mount and enter the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence is said to dwell. …The “new situation on the ground” is that Kohanim, men descended patrilineally from Aaron the Priest, will now be trained for the first time in millennia to enter the area where the Holy of Holies once stood. Their purpose will not be to offer sacrifices or pray for the Jewish people, but to retrieve dead bodies should the need arise again. ” –Source

First and foremost, as any serious student of the Bible knows, rebuilding the temple, or even training Rabbis to officiate, be it for removing dead bodies in a sanctified manner from the temple mount after an attack by Muslims, or actually seeking to enter into the presence of the Lord above the ark is not biblical this side of Calvary; nor is it prophesied to happen at all. The only place we see a third temple mentioned in any format in history is in Jesuit propaganda and infiltrated Protestant hype. Nary a Bible verse can be presented to back it up.   Continue reading

Al Gore: ‘Because of Pope Francis, I Really Could Become a Catholic’

Al-Gore-768x512-Reuters-640x480Former vice president Al Gore told CNN that he would consider converting to Catholicism because of the witness of Pope Francis, particularly in the area of environmental concern.

“I’m a Protestant, but I’ll tell you, because of Pope Francis, I really could become a Catholic. He is really an amazing spiritual leader,” Gore told Father John S. Rausch, who appeared with him on CNN Tuesday as part of a climate change town hall event.   Continue reading

Pope Francis sends letter to interfaith prayer meeting in Japan

OSSROM131106_LancioGrande(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent a letter to the 30th Prayer Meeting on Mount Hiei in Kyoto, Japan, inviting all religions to “pray and work together for peace”.

“It is my pleasure to send my cordial greetings to you and to the distinguished representatives of the different religious traditions,” he wrote.

The Pope’s letter was delivered and read to participants by Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop-emeritus of Hong Kong.  Continue reading

Vatican to host another population control conference with pro-abortion speakers

Marcelo_Sanchez_Sorondo_810_500_55_s_c1The Pontifical Academy of Science (PAS) has announced another population control conference.

“Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health” will be held November 2-4 at the Vatican.

The conference’s title obscures the questionable personal ideologies and professional objectives of a number of its slated participants.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Senator McCaskil promotes Socialized Medicine in USA

Sen.-Claire-McCaskill-Cliff-OwenAP-640x373“A recent Urban Institute study suggests that a single-payer health care system could cost $32 trillion over the next ten years. McCaskill admitted that she would remain open to a single-payer health care system if Democrats were able to keep costs down through comparison shopping. …In late July McCaskill voted “present” on a vote that would establish a “Medicare for All” health care bill similar to the one proposed by Bernie Sanders. Recently the Washington Post admitted that single-payer health care would be “astonishingly” expensive. The Urban Institute estimated that the proposed socialized medicine scheme would cost $32 trillion over ten years.” –Source

First and foremost, how many students of prophecy saw this coming? I can imagine a sea of hands raised high up on that one. As I have been proving for years on my Vatican Socialist Agenda page, a cashless as well as socialistic format in America is a must if they are ever to be able to enforce the mark. And her Bernie Sanders (a card carrying Socialist) inspired single-pay healthcare system is nothing new. Well, ok, it is new for America, but it’s nothing new in the world. Take Canada for example where they have a socialist healthcare system. Ask anyone in that country what the average time is to see a doctor and you will be shocked. But that’s not the issue here. McCaskill, like Sanders, are tooting the old worn out horn that Socialism doesn’t necessarily have to be the stepping stone to Communism. But as every Communist nation has seen come to fruition in their past, we are now seeing with our own eyes since September 11th; whenever you give up a few freedoms here and there to the Government, they usually go for more and never stop there. After all, once in power any politician will admit gaining more power is always a staggering temptation.  Continue reading

YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, And Work With ADL

youtube-sorry-reuters-640x480“We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes. …We’ve started rolling out features from Jigsaw’s Redirect Method to YouTube. When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages. We also continue to amplify YouTube voices speaking out against hate and radicalization through our YouTube Creators for Change program.” –Source

You do realize what YouTube is saying here right? They are boldly declaring that if you’re a Christian, and when I say Christian I mean Bible believing obedient child of God who will not declare Allah is Godhomosexual marriage is ok or the Vatican is a Christian organization. That type of Christian will be censored on YouTube. But the truth is, they have already been censoring Christians for years. Ever notice how the amount of hits on my videos have gone down lately? Now I know 8500+ subscribers isn’t a lot, but as is also obvious, it’s not as often as it should be that we see over 1000 hits per video even though when I had next to no subscribers the hits were off the chart. Plus, when they censor the hits, they’re also preventing subscribers. And I am not going to buy subscribers as some have been caught doing in the past.   Continue reading