Jerry-Brown-Christmas-Associated-Press-640x480“Brown’s Christmas giving this year included granting 132 pardons and commuting 19 prison sentences. . …Due to his 1995 conviction on felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and misdemeanor charges for receiving stolen property, Mony Neth was not shielded from ICE under the sanctuary state law while sitting in the Sacramento County Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center in Elk Grove. But Brown used his gubernatorial power to prevent Neth and Kong’s deportation by issuing a state pardon on December 23, defying the Trump administration’s initiative to expel any legal aliens that violate the terms of their visas by engaging in criminal activity.” –Source

As I posted in two videos so far and more than a few blog entries, and yes as you can imagine, on my words of a beast page I have a lot more than just 5 quotes regarding all this; but do you recall these Vatican statements wherein they have made very serious plans to make the United States of America into a Roman Catholic country coast to coast so as to both remove religious freedom as well as quench all Biblical truth? 

  • The Roman Catholic motto is ourselves alone for fellow Roman Catholics. We must defeat all heretics (non Catholics) at the ballot box. The holy father states that negative tactics are fatal. The demands of the holy father (the pope) are that the public services should be 100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be taken that no suspicion may be raised when Roman Catholics are secretly given more government jobs than Protestants, Jews and other heretics.” -Archbishop Gilroy
  • “There is, ere long, to be a state religion in this country, and that state religion is to be Roman Catholic. -Father Hecker, Catholic World, July 1870  
  • But Constitutions can be changed, and non-Catholic sects may decline to such a point that the political proscription [ban] of them may become feasible and expedientWhat protection would they have against a Catholic state?” –The State and the Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal Hayes.
  • “There is one, and only one, sure democracy, the Catholicism of the Popes” -The Catholic World, Oct, 1937.  
  • “Under the influence of Germanic customs and concepts, torture was little used from the 9th to the 12th centuries, but with the revival of Roman law the practice was reestablished in the 12th century… In 1252 (Pope) Innocent IV sanctioned the infliction of torture by the civil authorities upon heretics, and torture came to have a recognized place in the procedure of the inquisitional courts-New Catholic Encyclopedia, arts. “Inquisition”, “Auto-da-Fe’,” and “Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Day.”
    If the liberties of the American people are every destroyed, they will fall by the hand of the Roman Catholic cult’s clergy.”
      –General Lafayette under President George Washington

Being in the last days as we are, we now see men like this loyal Roman Catholic Governor Jerry Brown doing all he can for his declared “god on earth” in the Vatican. He is literally defying the laws of the land he was elected to govern just like all his Popes have done ever since the wound started to heal in 1929 so as to assure they get to where prophecy says they will be when Satan stands on earth claiming to be Jesus Christ. Satan needs America as well as every nation on earth to be under the thumb of his man of sin in Rome if this is going to work and so Senators, Congressmen and Governors like Brown will do whatever it takes for their dying God to gain the power he so craves; despite the fact it’s as fleeting and short lived as the lies he spews.

In short, these Catholic men in power don’t care if those coming into this country are dangerous and this is why once here they will go so far as to pardon hardened criminals who place everyone’s lives in mortal danger just to keep the Pope’s immigration agenda well-guarded and defended. Soon even more innocent lives will be lost so as to assure the voting bloc of Rome continues to grow. Need I remind you of Kate Steinle and how an illegal immigrant deported multiple times was still allowed to roam freely in America so as to kill her? In fact, if you just put the words “illegal alien killed” in your favorite search engine you will be shocked at how many times this has happened in just the last few years alone. But none of this matters for the Pope or those Roman Catholic politicians that worship the Pope they declare to be “another god on earth” just as prophecy said they would.

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: 
VIDEO: The Thomas Fire Is Now The Biggest In California’s History * FYI: Ad firms using tools to help them read your mind * PA President Mahmoud Abbas Instructs Staff to Sever Ties With U.S. * Roman Catholic Jerry Brown Pardons Criminal Aliens to Prevent Deportation * James Woods pegs Barack Obama: ‘He’s a Muslim’ * More countries catching Trump’s Jerusalem wave * GRAPHIC: VIDEO: PLEASE get your children out of American Schools! * VIDEO: Comcast refusing to cancel someone’s service * U.S. woman stabbed 14 times by Somali migrant, media go dark * Rare And Mysterious Vomiting Illness Linked To Heavy Marijuana Use * Feds found unborn babies in body broker’s warehouse * VIDEO: Ohio teens now charged with murder for allegedly killing motorist with sandbag dropped from overpass * Arizona Infant Violently Bent in Half by Dad Has Died * Kia and Hyundai cars will include AI assistants starting in 2019 * Chinese Ships Spotted Illegally Selling Oil to North Korea by U.S. Spy Satellite


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