There’s a video I made two and a half years ago that I feel bears repeating seeing how the discussion of abortion is once again on the lips of many politicians and protesters coast to coast. There is a Bible verse I failed to mention in that video that I hope once seen today might change the mind of some when it comes to killing their unborn child. This verse may be a bit shocking for some but truth can be this blunt at times. When speaking of Jesus Christ, it says in John 1:9. that He, “..was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
Now most Christians understand Jesus as Creator and so that verse alone may pack a whollop when I share a few seconds of this video I made years ago. Still, some would likely try to explain it away so as to vindicate their decision to kill their child. But this next passage is even more intense in that even though science was unable to verify this thousands of years ago, thanks to modern advances this statement declared in the Word of God way back then can be literally seen verified in the eyes of everyone looking on when you see this video clip I made years ago.
The passage I speak of is found in John 1:1-4 that says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2, The same was in the beginning with God. 3, All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4, In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
Now when you can, check this video out.
Rather shocking isn’t it? The Bible says that “the life was the light of men” and in this video you see a spark of light the moment the egg is fertilized. And so imagine this is you will. If scientists found a 1 day old fertilized human egg on Mars; would they a useless pile of cells was discovered on that planet? No, they would not. They would boldly declare all around this world that “Human Life was found on Mars!” But because politicians hell-bent on killing children as a blood sacrifice unto the dying god of this world, billions never knew that science already verified that the split second a human egg is fertilized, according to the Christian Bible, that is when a human life begins.
And just this morning I found this article as I was surfing the News. “Even mainstream media admits Meghan Markle is pregnant with a ‘baby,’ not a ‘fetus’” Hypocrites!
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