As I continue on in this video series, we see in another prophetic statement of Sister White wherein she declared preachers in bed with Rome near the end of time on earth will declare natural disasters as the end result of people refusing to attend church on Sundays. And thanks to the National and World Council of Churches, all Christians churches are in bed with Rome including the Seventh Day Adventist church who now sends their tithes to him. Notice what she said in 1884.
“Men in responsible positions will not only ignore and despise the Biblical Sabbath themselves, but from the sacred desk, will urge upon the people the observance of the first day of the week, pleading tradition and custom in behalf of this man-made institution. They will point to calamities on land and sea—to the storms of wind, the floods, the earthquakes, the destruction by fire—as judgments indicating God’s displeasure because Sunday is not sacredly observed.” -Signs of the Times, January 17, 1884
“It will be declared that the nation is offending God by the violation of the Sunday-Sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the nation, preventing its restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.” – Spirit of Prophecy vol 4 page 408.1
In my February 2005 Truth Provided Newsletter I shared an article that was posted shortly after the December 26, 2004 Tsunami that killed upwards of 300,000 people at its final count. The following is an excerpt from that article…
“A Christian minister claims the tsunami of Sunday, Dec. 26, killing at least 160,000 people, was direct result of “pleasure seekers” breaking God’s Sabbath. …It has to be noted that the wave arrived on the Lord’s day, the day God set apart to be observed the world over as a holy resting from all employments and recreations that are lawful on other days.” -February 13, 2005 4:00 p.m. Eastern © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
As we can see, her prediction here was dead on! And so we must expect this type of announcement to not only be repeated in the coming days, but it will soon be brought to the forefront of the law making process when the Lord uses His remnant people in the Loud Cry that causes many obedient souls to leave the churches of Babylon to embrace the Lord Jesus in Truth.
When the masses leave those churches due to the Loud Cry message, those pastors will use their government given powers under their long prophesied 501c3 to lobby for Sunday laws so as to try and stop the truth from spreading.
No, they won’t be so concerned about us being right about the Sabbath truth for they will be much more concerned at how the truth we preach is causing their congregants to leave their churches, which in turn threatens their income generated by their donations. Money has always been the carrot Satan used with these false preachers to do the things they do. This is why they all signed unto the 501c3 contract in the first place which as prophesied is helping them to create an image to the beast in Rome.
As we have been warned in the prophetic Word, these preachers of filthy lucre only went to Seminary to be able to learn how to make massive amounts of money with their stadium sized churches. When a man of God follows after the money rather than the flock God has placed in his care, he becomes the hireling Jesus spoke of that is easily swayed by Satan to protect the money he worships over the people.
And since these wolves in sheep’s clothing have bowed to Rome so as to gain the power and riches they clamor after as expected, they will come together as one when the Antichrist in Rome echoes John Paul II’s supposed saintly declaration from his Dios Domini; which was; “Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy.”
These fallen men of God “make merchandise” of their flock just as the apostle Peter prophesied they would in 2Peter 2:3. And as he also prophesied, their judgment that was declared long ago no longer lingers. Soon their damnation will be realized globally at the second coming of Christ.
UPDATED 11-01-19
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
China fines church for owning ‘wrong’ version of the Bible * SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: The shocking truth: Aborted babies are born alive and left to die * State Abortion Reporting Map * Vatican News alters interview of Amazon Synod’s key organizer approving ‘pagan worship’ * Court: No relief for family that lost home in police raid over shoplifter * WHAT?! Man’s child-porn conviction overturned thanks to his ‘transgender identity’ * Drag queen gives unsuspecting children a look up his skirt * Judge sides with sex offenders over sheriff protecting trick-or-treaters * VIDEO” Authorities say 40 pounds of seized fentanyl is enough to ‘kill entire population of Ohio’ multiple times * VIDEO: Red hot bust: $210 million of meth hidden in sriracha * 37 people have died from a mysterious lung illness linked to vaping. Here’s where they’re all from * VIDEO: Vatican Born United Nations (NWO) is now Pushing for Global Agreement on Climate Change * VIDEO: Homeless people read mean tweets to shed light on a serious social problem* Taiwan’s green energy giant aims to shed light on Pope’s ‘Laudato Si” * Planned Parenthood releases extremely graphic sex ed book for ‘the youth of today’ * Kids are lab rats in school boards’ transgender social engineering experiments * BEWARE! Google to Buy Fitbit for $2.1 Billion * VIDEO: Brazil: Oil Spill Likely from Venezuela Could Be Worst ‘Environmental Attack’ in History * Scientists Demonstrate Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans * Teen kills pregnant sister, cuts out baby to give to woman faking pregnancy * Why kids are socialists and how to start fixing it * 84% of Dutch pediatricians want to be able to euthanize children * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA: Diocese recommends youth ministers read books by dissidents who endorse homosexuality, women priests * Texas school district to teach third graders (8 yrs old) about sodomy, condoms * Drag queen in skin-colored leggings flashes kids at Minnesota story hour * Fr. James Martin: Pope meeting me was ‘public sign of support’ for my pro-LGBT work * DISTRESS OF NATIONS: General: Israeli Air Defense Systems on Alert for Possible Iran Attack * Kurds: Turkey ‘Occupying Christian Villages’ in Syria for ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Vatican Promoted Greta Thunberg Calls on Facebook to Censor Her Critics * ROME’S CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA EXPOSED: Should ‘global warming’ fraudsters spend time in the clink? * Since no evidence is there, they keep using a little girl to push FEAR
UPDATED 10-30-19
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES:VIDEO: Great and Terrible Signs of the End * HUH?! Dictatorships at U.N.: China’s Concentration Camps Bring a ‘Stronger Sense of Happiness’ * Feds Bust Mexican Cartel-Linked Fentanyl Dealer in Indiana * GRAPHIC! Texas Schools Mandate teaching pornographic Homosexuality * U.S. Winter-Wheat Acres Set to Drop to Lowest in 110 Years * 1 in 3 Millennials see communism as ‘favorable’ * VIDEO: Calif. Boy Told Assistant Principal About Bullying Days Before Sucker Punch That Killed Him * POPE’S CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA EXPOSED: VIDEO: Explosion in Antarctic sea ice levels may cause another ice age * AMA INSANITY: Michigan Hospital wants to kill another “brain dead” teen * VATICAN’S SOCIALIST AGENDA: 2020 Democrats Go All-In on the Socialist Vote — Less than 1/5 of Americans * Indocrinated College students want Green New Deal, Medicare for All, socialism * DISTRESS OF NATIONS: Turkish Invasion Threatens Syrian Christian Communities in ‘Renaissance’ * At Least 18 Killed When Masked Iraqi Troops Open Fire on Protesters * Hong Kong Police Fire Tear Gas at People Protesting Tear Gas
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Supreme Court rejects case of Christian teen forced to write Islamic conversion prayer * Judge OKs attacks on major Christian ministry as ‘hate group’ * Christian woman fined for holding church service in home * SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Mysterious whirlpools appear in Nevada desert * Authorities Study Skulls, Fetus from Mexico City Cartel’s Witchcraft Altar (Catholicism & Witchcraft go hand in hand) * Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with Big Pharma * Pope tries to hide the fact that the Vatican Archives are still SECRET * Roman Cardinal says no one in Mexican Church can claim ignorance about abuse (Yet they stay?) * VIDEO: Queer Kid Stuff LGBTQ Channel Targets 3-Year-Olds with ‘Non-Binary’ Teddy Bear * Major U.S. city faces claims from 35,000 for confiscating cars, land, homes without reason * Planned Parenthood’s real-life horror show now on trial * VIDEO: Teacher ‘puts student with disability in trash can multiple times’ * Parents increasingly letting technology come between them and their kids * 900 children test positive for HIV in Pakistani city * VIDEO: 4-year-old finally returned home after family said he was kidnapped by government * RELIGION OF PEACE? VIDEO: GRAPHIC: Indian Shia Muslims cut their heads with knives to mourn Prophet Muhammad’s grandson * ROME’S CLIMATE CHANGE EXPOSED: VIDEO: Canadian Professor Lost Her Job for Telling the Truth About ‘Endangered’ Polar Bears * VIDEO: China’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting victims speak out * ROME’S ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: ‘No Safe Spaces’ sees massive box office haul on just 1 screen, ahead of broader rollout