If you’re a student of prophecy, you know exactly why the Pope has been pushing his global warming climate change agenda the last few decades. In fact, if you’re part of the Seventh Day Remnant movement of the Lord, then you have been declaring the Pope will use climate change as a way to enforce the mark of the beast. I’ve had a page on my website all about how they plan to use climate change to enforce the mark for years. And I’ve done quite a few videos on it as well.
We are a lot closer to the return of Christ than most people are aware of because as also prophesied in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 we see both the Vatican and even the Seventh Day Adventist leaders saying the exact opposite. They are truly preaching “peace and safety” to keep the people in the pews so as to keep the cash flowing into their pockets.
As we obey the Lord and declare Sunday Laws are soon to come we now see their global push under a little girl named Greta to get millions of people involved in protests to demand we do something about climate change, and especially the young ones that have been indoctrinated into this long prophesied lie via their government approved teachers the last few years; it is now easy to see what’s coming. Especially after the powers that be declared they want a one world government by 2030 which students of prophecy know that is only allowed to happen at the very end of the plagues within days of the Lord’s second coming.
And by the way, if they’re actually declaring they want that new world order by 2030, that means they already have everything they need in place to do it much sooner. All the powers that be are waiting for now is for their dying god Satan to stand on earth declaring himself to be Christ and those Sunday laws will be passed and the new world order will be right behind it.
But sadly, because most don’t read read Bibles anymore; we see billions of poor souls standing in agreement with the Pope that we all need to do something to stop the climate disasters. Yet, if you read your Bible you know these disasters have nothing to do with climate change at all and everything to do with the final signs of Christ’s return. But the Popes in Rome, who as prophesied have been exposed as card carrying Satanists; and their obedient wolves under their care are declaring no, Jesus is not returning anytime soon. In fact, the SDA president actually stated this on camera.
And just so you know, that young girl they are using to promote the Pope’s agenda was obviously indoctrinated by her government teachers so as to come off as believable by the masses that have been dumbed down for decades. Seriously, over 30,000 scientists have shared scientific proof that the handful of scientists bought and paid for by the Pope are lying about global warming. In fact, 500 of the real climate scientists took time to put together a doc file addressing the lies put forth by Rome. It would be good that everyone checks this paper out wherein they say “it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from such immature models. …CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crop worldwide.”
But the Pope’s scientists say CO2 is bad? And so again, there is no global warming. What you see happening is the final warning to all life on earth that the Creator of all that is seen and unseen is about to return exactly as He said he would.
Being in the last days wherein the people now know who the man of sin is, we now know the Vatican works for Satan. Of this, no honest man can doubt. Satan is using them to make sure billions are not ready for what’s already begun to happen. But as prophesied all the world that has been wondering after this beast in Rome for centuries are embracing what the educated can see to be a bold faced lie. Worse yet, this precious little girl they are using to garner support has not only declared her loyalty to the man of sin in Rome on camera in the same way all his pawns have done, she is being funded by the most evil people alive to continue doing this work as we speak. They have even gone so far as to declare via the church of Sweden that Greta is ‘successor’ to Jesus Christ so as to garner even more followers that never read Bibles.
Check this video out when you get time. The Vatican approved script she reads on camera demands that the people panic. Was this not prophesied in Luke 21:26? I had another video to share showing at around the 8:20 mark in the video that Greta’s financial backers were from the Club of Rome, but YouTube terminated the account posting it before I had time to use it. But I do have this article showing she has all the money she needs to do this work for the Pope anyway.
And for those of you that think I’m blowing smoke through my tinfoil hat regarding how the Club of Rome uses children to push the Vatican’s climate change agenda, see this document from their own website when you get time.
As students of prophecy we know how the world will see many disasters right before Jesus returns, We also know the animals, birds, insects and fish will be dying in biblical proportions. And we also know society will embrace everything from homosexuality to abortion as the norm in the end. And we also know the man of sin in Rome will do all he can to hide the fact all those prophecies in the Bible are true so as to gather as many souls into the camp of Satan before the plagues fall so as to assure billions will receive their mark in the hopes of glorifying Satan over and above Jesus Christ. That is why the lie has become the truth, and truth is seen as lies today. And the humble and loving Christian is hated while those that seek to persecute and even kill them are protected. (Also see this) All that is happening has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the soon return of Jesus Christ. MARANATHA!
UPDATED: 10-25-19
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UPDATED: 10-23-19
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