When it came to the early manifestations of demonic activity in the way of mysterious rappings during seances in America, we see this declared by sister White back in 1882.
“I saw that soon it would be considered blasphemy to speak against the rapping, and that it would spread more and more, that Satan’s power would increase, and some of his devoted followers would have power to work miracles, and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of men. I was shown that by the rapping and mesmerism, these modern magicians would yet account for all the miracles wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that many would believe that all the mighty works of the Son of God when on earth were accomplished by this same power.” –Early Writings page 59.1 (1882)
As we look around today we see everything from devil worship via the Pope in Rome, to people of all ages embracing everything from Harry Potter to saluting Satan at rock concerts. And for most this all comes off as absolutely normal. There have even been magicians in recent years walking on water so as to belittle what Jesus did 2000 years ago. It’s amazing that more people don’t know about these fulfilled prophetic statements of this woman.
And to make my job that much easier, this prophetic statement made by sister White was fulfilled many times over and even documented as fulfilled by modern day spiritualists without most of them even realizing it. They stated the following in 1948; 33 years after her death.
“A medium foretold the birth of Jesus, whose brief life on earth was filled with the performance of many so called miracles. Which in reality was spiritual phenomenon.” -The 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism page 68 (Published by the Naturalist Spiritual Association of the United States -1948)
That’s exactly what sister White said they would say about His miracles. And now notice how they declare these demonic arts that they conjure up via Satan himself to be holy, sanctified and even a new more powerful version of Christianity.
“Neither priests nor Press should uncharitably speak of, or touch this holy word, spiritualism. Only with clean hands and pure hearts.” -The 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism page 34 (Published by the Naturalist Spiritual Association of the United States -1948)
“Spiritualism is the coming universal religion. It is the lifeblood of Christianity. In fact, it is Christianity plus.” -The 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism page 69 (Published by the Naturalist Spiritual Association of the United States -1948)
And thanks to the Vatican giving Harry Potter “two thumbs up” thereby sanctifying witchcraft, which then moved other so called ministers to declare Harry Potter “a Christ-like character” not too long ago so as to infect the young into accepting this as the norm, we are about to see demonic manifestations go off the chart all over the world. In fact, keep your eyes open brothers and sisters. You’re about to see some very evil people stepping up to pulpits in the coming days claiming to be Christians so as to lure millions who worship celebrities into accepting not just a fake Jesus via their Vatican approved dogma, but Antichrist himself will be declared to be a god and even worshiped as Jesus Christ Himself when Satan stands on earth claiming to be our Lord.
UPDATED: 11-06-19
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