On December 21, 2019 the Pope said that ‘Christendom no longer exists. He then declared “new ways of evangelizing are necessary.”
In other words, a Vatican approved “new and improved” Jesus will now be proclaimed worldwide so as to hide the truth about what prophecy says is next to occur. To confirm this, we see just two days after the Pope lied about Christianity’s demise, the Vatican announced that, “Pope Francis Unveils Globalist New World Religion at Summit with United Nations Leader.” Even a blind man could have seen that coming.
And yes, this is why the Pope told those students to stop preaching Jesus as Lord last week. And thanks to modern technology and especially the social speed of the Internet, it won’t take long to ready the masses already confused by the many false prophets that preach the fake Jesus of Rome in all Protestant churches. As prophesied they will do this to build the ranks of those who deny the true Christ of the Bible so as to persecute and kill those that uplift Christ as Lord.
The means by which Rome mixes truth with error can be easily brought forth into millions of sermons wherein most people will agree with anything the Pope and his army of 501c3 government approved pastors teach them. And since the Pope’s “new World Religion” says nothing about the cashless society that is needed to enforce the mark, the people in the pews won’t see any danger as it all comes upon them. In fact, if you look closely you will see that digital cash has already been here for decades. But have you ever heard any pastor or preacher speak on this? Seriously, all of us use credit or debit cards do we not?
If you have been following the Pope’s stealthy movements towards a cashless society by visiting this page on my website you know what I’m telling you is not just a global movement that has been played out before every nation on earth, it is an absolute fulfillment of prophecy.
That all being said, notice what the Pope just announced regarding his adoption of digital currency in August of 2019. The headline reads, “Financial geography: cryptocurrencies reached the Vatican.” And no, this is not old news. The only reason I am mentioning this now is because we had to wait to see how the United Nations and the United States responded to the Pope’s command. And if you stay with me on this, you will see what they said about all this just two days ago.
Now keep in mind, the only way to enforce the mark of the beast by preventing the buying and selling of all people on earth is to do away with cash altogether because if the people have legal tender on hand, they will still be able to purchase whatever they need as soon as the powers that be turn off their digital currency. And as we all know, all nations including the USA have been moving businesses to replace the use of cash with credit and debit cards across the board. In fact, most people don’t even get a paycheck anymore now. Their paycheck is digitally transferred into their banks each week.
The soon to come digital coin will be easily embraced by all since we have already been using digital credit and debits cards all along to buy and sell all we need anyway. And so to end this cliff hanger of sorts, just two months after the Vatican announced their plans to use digital currency in August, we see the US Government announced that they too will be adopting digital cash very soon. That headline reads, “US Lawmakers Ask Federal Reserve About National Digital Currency.” Then as expected by students of prophecy, just two short months after the USA declared their interest in digital currency we see the United Nation’s Roman Catholic Secretary General stated that they too will embrace digital currency globally. That happened just two days ago on December 28, 2019. That headline reads, “Secretary-General Says United Nations Must Embrace Blockchain.”
And just so you know, blockchain is the technology behind the ever popular bitcoin that makes it work. And shortly after the Pope embraced the blockchain tech, China made it illegal to call blockchain a scam. Now do you see why I made that video back in 2013 about the coin card and how they will use digital cash to enforce the mark by turning off everyone’s digital bank accounts? In fact, thanks to Obama’s pen in 2010, “U.S. banks are already allowed to seize your checking accounts” with the flick of a key on a keyboard. Worse yet, they can use any excuse they want to keep and then use your cash now. And this includes seizing your cash to keep the bank from collapsing financially.
And so I ask, how hard would it be to amend the law with a few words as they have done so many times before so as to make it legal to seize all your assets until you bow to the Pope’s mark? Once your account is turned off they can hold your cash until you agree with the Pope’s Sunday Laws. Your bank cards will not be turned back on until you comply. It’s going to be just that simple.
Most people will agree with Sunday laws since they’ve been keeping Sunday holy their entire lives anyway and the many false prophets on the pulpits have been telling them it has nothing to do with the mark of the beast all along. They got the people believing in tattoos, bar codes and even the number 666 as being the mark when the Bible clearly says otherwise. But as we know, most people don’t read Bibles. And so they will believe their apostate pastors just as prophecy predicted they would. They will place their livelihood, their bank accounts, their car payments, their mortgages and even their cellphone payments far above the long prophesied will of the God of the Bible who has warned them all about the mark of the beast coming to fulfillment in their very own bibles. It’s all right there in the Scripture and next to no one even knows about it.
Everyone on this planet, and as Revelation 13:16 says, this means the small, great, rich, poor or even the free and bond will be forced to bow to the Pope’s demand if they want to be able to buy and sell. Every living person all over the world will soon be forced to choose between receiving the seal of the living God, or the mark of the dying beast in Rome. And if you want to know what the difference is between the two, see the study I have on this page as well as the collection of videos it contains when you get time.
Basic reality is this my friends. With the onset of digital cash being sanctioned by the Pope, the USA and the United Nations, we now see that very soon the long prophesied mark of the beast will be enforced in our lifetime. All of us need to prepare for not only the soon to be enforced mark of the Vatican beast, we also need to prepare for the coming of the Lord!
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Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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